Questions tagged as 'java'


how to compile application in java and generate your Bytecodes [closed]

I can not compile my application from the prompt (cmd). Whenever I try, it gives some error. I think I'm doing it wrong because otherwise it would have worked.     
asked by 14.12.2014 / 15:28

Print all playing cards (Java)

Hello. I'm trying to create a program that prints all 52 cards in the deck, from 1 to 10 and with all suits (Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Swords) and also prints the cards Jack, Lady and King. > I found the use of the "for" more appropriate in...
asked by 17.10.2018 / 20:01

Why does printf not concatenate? [closed]

I'm an innovator in Java and I'm having problems because printf does not concatenate two amounts with a variable, since println lets me work with decimals but does not work with them. See: if (this.consulta == "health plan") {...
asked by 01.11.2017 / 23:18

About JAVA and HeidiSql

asked by 18.07.2015 / 17:46

Segregate java codes in eclipse

I would like to know: How do I segregate the codes of the elements added (button, label ...) in form and their events in eclipse using the JAVA language? In java all the element code (button, label ...) added in the views and their events...
asked by 01.06.2018 / 05:48

I can not get variable value from different classes [closed]

My colleagues, good night, I help myself here, I'm doing a job for college, I'm a beginner in Java, I can not pass I have 2 class 1 -patient 2 doctor, the medical class is already with the patient's extension, but I do not I can move the patient...
asked by 03.11.2017 / 02:20

How to do an infinite count loop in Java?

I'm starting my studies with Java now and would like to know how to do an infinite count I'm having difficulties, since I know that in Python it would be something like: a = 0 while True: a = a + 1 print(a)     
asked by 19.11.2018 / 18:42

NullPointerException in android in project to download PDFs

I made an application that at a certain time low PDFs, however I can only download a PDF. I wanted to download several PDFs, see the project. The part that is giving the error is in for , where I try to call 3 times the part that reads the...
asked by 22.01.2015 / 14:47

How to modify a series of functions in Long for BigInteger?

The code below checks whether a number is prime in a sequence generated from a formula: package dec; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Dec { private static boolean ehPrimo(long d) { long n = d; long raiz = (lo...
asked by 21.06.2016 / 23:30

Java Script Error ")"

net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo removeInfo = new PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo(EnumPlayerInfoAction.REMOVE_PLAYER, new net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.EntityPlayer(minecraftserver, worldserver, gameprofile, playerinteractmanager)[] {...
asked by 04.01.2019 / 21:15