I'm having trouble generating image in eclipse and e - it can not open anything and it gives this error:
GRAVE: Error Rendering View[/pages/produto.xhtml]
java.io.IOException: javax.el.ELException: /pages/produto.xhtml @126,69 value="#{imagem...
I need to compare two List, and in my test I used
assertEquals(lista1, lista2);
And the error that the test shows is
(index: 22 size: 22) java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
Until tod...
I'm uploading an image to the firebase database and I want to show it in progress but it always gets 0/100.
progress=new ProgressDialog(getContext());
progress.setMessage("Downloading Music");
I have a simple stock XML file with the following format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<item Nome="Impressora XL2N" Peso="13 kg" Armazem="8" Quantidade="12" Preco="R$ 8505,00" />
<item Nome="Sca...
When you get to the part that executes the following query, the system stops and does not proceed to the next line.
@Query(value = " UPDATE COOBILING_NUMBER SET CONDITION='Used' WHERE NUMBER_PHONE= ?1", nativeQuery = true)
public void update(S...
I have the following Enum :
public enum Lojas {
ALIEXPRESS("AliExpress"), MERCADO_LIVRE("Mercado Livre"), EBAY("Ebay"), WISH("Wish"), GEARBEST("Gearbest"), BANGOOD(
I'm processing HTML files that have multiple links to external images. How do I extract just those image links and download them?
HTML example:
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>A Page</title>
I have a system that reads XML files, transforms into JSON and makes HTTP (POST) requests to another server to save the data in the database. However some XML files have, for example, null fields that the server does not allow to save wit...
How to use OAuth 2.0 to change from Apps. I have some Apps and I want inside that we can access other Apps (from the same supplier), without having to login again.