Questions tagged as 'java'


Form window within modal window not aligned + Thymeleaf + Spring Boot

Good afternoon! I'm having trouble rendering a modal window using Thymeleaf. The purpose of Modal is simply to display a form with the details of the Service, without having to redirect the user to another page. The data is loaded correctly. The...
asked by 25.07.2017 / 20:33

Update an object automatically on other pages without reloading

Good afternoon! I'd like to know how I can do to update an object in my view without having to reload the page. For example, on the main page of the system, I have 3 panels that shows the number of calls by status: Resolved, Pending, and Unresol...
asked by 13.07.2017 / 22:12

scan does not capture word with accent

I'm doing the following exercise:    Create an application that prompts the user for an integer and then asks if the number they enter is greater than zero. By analyzing the number reported and the user response, the application should determ...
asked by 13.07.2017 / 23:40

Socket error only on Android 7

This problem only occurs on Android 7! In other versions the operation is perfect. And running tests on an S8 with smart network switching, by a friend's reports, is also working as it should. Mine is a G5 Plus and has no way to turn off s...
asked by 13.07.2017 / 20:17

Deserialize JSON with dynamic field names

I have a Json like this, and inside the "buy" entity, I get an object with the id of the purchase, and then the information I need to access, I have already generated the classes, but my object that changes each name is getting null { "Pedi...
asked by 25.07.2017 / 13:41

Toggle Tabs in ViewPager via button by fragment

I wonder if there is any way to switch between tabs by the fragment itself. I have a ViewPager with 2 tabs and I would like to switch via buttons because I validate some fields before switching the tabs. I disabled the swipe and also the acti...
asked by 04.08.2017 / 21:30

Problem with Hibernate and WildFly server

Hello. I have a project with Hibernate 4.3.x + PostgreSql + WildFly. But I can not run it. The following is the error: Iniciando WildFly Application Server WildFly Application Server iniciado Implantação inicial de WebApplication1 até C:...
asked by 05.08.2017 / 20:16

SSL Failure on GET request with Groovy HttpBuilder

I can not make a GET request on the following link using Groovy HttpBuilder: link I have already tested the method below: ignoreSSLIssues() But it always returns the exception: error: Received f...
asked by 04.08.2017 / 23:16

help with nativeQuery

I tried to do the query uasndo expression constructors and jpql, but jpql does not eceita subqueryes and I'm trying to do with nativeQuery. Is it possible? I'm getting an error message. Would anyone know why? The query is as follows: Str...
asked by 07.07.2017 / 18:23

Value of h: selectOneMenu is not being defined

I have already created forms in JSF several times, but I do not understand why% of% of this value is not being set. <h:form> <h:selectOneMenu id="nova-matriz-select"...
asked by 07.07.2017 / 20:22