Questions tagged as 'java-ee'


What is the advantage of using OSGI? [closed]

What is the advantage of using OSGI to separate project modules? How would transaction transactions be between the modules, and the relationships between the different module entities?     
asked by 29.07.2016 / 14:14

How to communicate JavaScript data in JSF? [closed]

I'm developing an application that performs digital signature. In it, I load a PDF file that has the address stored in a JavaScript variable. In the background, there is an application in JSF , which has the nature of signing...
asked by 03.06.2015 / 21:23

Enterprise Application Project problem with dependencies

I'm having trouble with an Enterprise Application Project. I'm using the wildfly-8.0.0.Beta1 server. The structure of my project is as follows: IhavealreadyputtheEJBProjectasadependencyintheWebProject. However I get the following war...
asked by 19.11.2014 / 11:34

How to run DOS command in JAVA with Administrator privilege?

Hello, I have a program where I need every run of it, go to the server, pick date and time, and change it on the local PC. I am running the following command line: Runtime.getRuntime().exec('DATE '+dataServidor.trim()); and JAVA returns...
asked by 24.11.2017 / 14:47

How to recover user session

I wanted to just retrieve a user's session. I have a class called SystemUser , which identifies which user is logging on. In this class, I get the session and play for an object. @ManagedBean(name = "usuarioLogado") @SessionScoped public clas...
asked by 26.10.2015 / 02:08

Workaround problem with hot development in Java?

Problem situation: You are developing a web site and doing debugging on it. For example a users CRUD. For this you are using JavaEE 1.7, Eclipse Kepler and Apache Tomcat 7. However, to the development delongo, and already with the application...
asked by 31.05.2014 / 00:43

How to get the value bound to a selectOneRadio and assign it to an attribute in a Bean

I want to implement a method / way to get the value bound to a selectOneRadio (which is an Enum) and assign it to an attribute inside a Bean. After getting the value bound to selectOneRadio, I will pass it as a parameter to a method called ne...
asked by 13.09.2015 / 04:53

JSF page displaying object reference value

Good evening. I have a page in JSF called simulate.xhtml where I implement a filter to generate the simulation and I'm also trying to display results of the database that have already been filtered on that same page , but as a result I get t...
asked by 14.10.2015 / 06:47

Is it possible to know which JEE Container is being used during Dispatcher Servlet initialization?

After some difficulties with the use of Spring Security and JBoss using annotations based on API Servlet 3 (Servlet 3.1 specifically), I found that when using the Spring with JBoss , particularly JBoss EAP 6.1+,...
asked by 10.07.2015 / 18:24

Spring Model 4.3.1

I do not know how to work 100% with #POST and #GET yet, my problem should be in understanding how requests occur and when my objects are instantiated. Here are methods: @Controller @RequestMapping("/caixa") public...
asked by 07.08.2018 / 14:37