Questions tagged as 'ip'


Postgre error trying to access externally

I'm using NO-IP to connect to an internal server in my office. I have already freed port 5432 on the machine firewall and also configured the pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf files (I will leave the 2 here). I tried the door on insert the link d...
asked by 01.02.2017 / 07:06

Open external application within the application

I'm developing an application that does Arduino command. So far everything is fine, but in the project the user will have access to the external camera via IP, but I have no idea how I do it. Camera Model: IP Camera P2P IP: NIP-28869...
asked by 10.09.2016 / 23:54

Get IP through WinSock - Return correct IP - Delphi

Good morning, I am using the method below to return the IP of the computer, but if I have an active VPN on the computer, it is getting the IP of the VPN first and not the machine. I would like to know if it would be possible to control which...
asked by 25.07.2016 / 14:44

I am trying to make a system of logs in PHP / JavaScript

I'm trying to build a system of logs in PHP and JavaScript that captures the internal ip of the visitor's machine, however I can not return the value of the JavaScript variable for the PHP variable that saves the logs. Can you help me? <scr...
asked by 25.07.2016 / 01:04

Ping in PHP + Apache2 Debian

Good morning, I was able to search the internet to do the script below as what I needed, but I still lack a detail, so I dribble in a machine, as I could do to be a list of machines, without my having to repeat the commands for each machine?...
asked by 07.03.2016 / 14:05

How to identify the user's IP?

How do I get the network IP of who opened my program? I'm using the C ++ language, Visual Studio 2013 and Windows Form, is there any function that does this?     
asked by 22.11.2014 / 02:12

Access server without public IP [closed]

I own a linux server at home and would like to access its services (SSH, HTTP, GIT) remotely however I do not have a public IP. Are there ways to do this?     
asked by 05.02.2014 / 02:01

IP Calculator in JS [closed]

Hello. I need to develop a JavaScript network calculator that discovers the broadcast address and the network address from the IP address (IPv4) and the network mask. But I have no idea how to do this. Thank you in advance!     
asked by 01.10.2017 / 22:44

Given two IP's can you check if it comes from the same network?

I'm starting with Python now and I'm developing a project to find users with multiple accounts on a given site. The IP's are already obtained, but it is still not possible to verify if, comparing the IP's, two or more IP's come from the same com...
asked by 05.01.2018 / 23:38

Why does not localhost go online? [closed]

Why can not we use IP on the internet? Why does localhost return the same machine? Why localhost is blocked? Where can I find relevant information?     
asked by 02.06.2017 / 01:21