Questions tagged as 'ios'


How to configure NSPredicate to perform filtering?

I'm implementing a filter, where I need to search the records in Core Data, which have "yes" in certain columns. Table: Forexample,returningtheelementsthathaveyesinthecolumnsATTRIBUTE1,ATTRIBUTE3,andATTRIBUTE5InthisexampleIwouldreturnthere...
asked by 26.02.2015 / 17:50

Android / IOS alarm with PhoneGap

Good evening, I'm just developing an application for parties. In this application lists the city parties with date and time, tickets and tals .. I'm having a hard time creating a feature, I need to notify the user that the party will start with...
asked by 23.02.2015 / 03:28

Parameters for a Container View

The scenario is as follows:    I own a UIViewController and within this controller I own   a UITableViewController added as a ContainerView . How do I pass parameters between my UIViewController and my Contai...
asked by 05.12.2014 / 13:31

Roll UIscrollView automatically when entering UItextField

I need to create a form that will make the screen scroll as it fills in. The idea is that the screen roll as I fill it out and thus displaying the fields below the keyboard.     
asked by 14.11.2014 / 09:50

How to Configure Tab Bar Controller?

I have a Tab Bar Controller with 5 ViewControllers attached to it. This brings up 5 buttons on the bar. I would like the ViewController attached to the third button (middle button) to be the first to be displayed when the screen is opened....
asked by 01.05.2015 / 22:59

Generate package for publication in the Apple Store

I've created an app on PhoneGap and now I need to generate a package to publish to the Apple store, my question is this: is there a way to create this package without have a Mac and the Xcode ? I have a developer account.     
asked by 28.10.2014 / 13:32

App rejected because of the Advertising Identifier (IDFA)

My app does not use any kind of advertisement, and even after I dial "◉ No" both options continue to receive a warning below and I can not send the app for evaluation. What could be happening?    [...] If your application contains IDFA and yo...
asked by 10.10.2014 / 00:54

Get field values from an NSArray with CoreData content

I have a table in coredata with some fields, I can get the size of these values but I need the values of each field, I have this code: var request:NSFetchRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "Radar") //my table in coredata let appDeleg...
asked by 12.06.2015 / 23:48

Mask for CNPJ in Objective C

I'm trying to put a mask on a string that is a CNPJ. I get a string with size 14 and tried to put the mask in: NSString *cnpj = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.%@.%@/%@-%@", self.codCnpj substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(11, 2)], [self.codCn...
asked by 09.09.2014 / 18:24

Restrict iOS versions

Is there any way I can restrict iOS versions? Detail: Not the minimum version For example, I developed an app and would like it to run on iOS 7.x.x and iOS 8.1.x versions. In short, I would like to prevent the application from being inst...
asked by 30.01.2015 / 14:51