Questions tagged as 'ionic'


Hybrid applications optimize webview?

How do hybrid frameworks work? In my view, what they do is to run everything on top of the platform's native webview, just by packaging the JS code inside an application directory, such as assets . So what's the real use of using these fra...
asked by 29.04.2016 / 16:52

How to disable button after sending message?

I have an app on Ionic that sends messages. I have already helped, here in the forum, to make a way that does not allow the user to touch the button send, without typing anything, so the message does not go blank. Blz, it works cool <button...
asked by 10.05.2016 / 21:52

How to clean form with AngularJS?

I am creating an application with Ionic, I have a company registration and after registering the company I want to clear the form but I can not. How to do this? form <form name="Empresa"> <div class="list"> <...
asked by 06.01.2016 / 01:20

Display Alert according to an Ionic condition

I have a user registration page where I have a code field where I would like to validate it according to a condition ($ scope.erro) coming from my controller, I already have some alerts but they validate only the form / p> Controller:...
asked by 26.10.2015 / 19:17

$ ionicLoading, template does not work

When I call the function show() passing the attribute content: '...' the text of the loading is changed, as below. $rootScope.loading = ${ content: 'Loading...' }); But when I use template, as below, it d...
asked by 25.11.2015 / 04:48

Run callback when closing android keyboard

I have an app running with Cordova and Ionic. In this app I would like to perform an action on a certain controller when the keyboard completely closes. Today I'm using cordova.plugins.Keyboard.close(); . The keyboard normall...
asked by 04.08.2015 / 20:31

Ionic and AngularJs: How to filter repeated names in ngRepeat

How to filter, with Ionic and AngularJs, repeated names in my ng-repeat ? I've already used ui.filters and unique only works when there are no routing, ie on websites in mobile applications it does not work. In my controll...
asked by 13.07.2016 / 04:25

Navigation by Id Ionic 2

Hello. I'm developing an application with ionic 2 and I have the following situation. I have 2 tables, 'stores' and 'publications'. My question is, how do you go to the 'store' listing to open each publication, according to the name of eac...
asked by 29.08.2017 / 00:16

Beginner with firebase

I want to implement the firebase in my application (ionic). WhenItestamessage:  Unknownprovider:$firebaseArrayProvider
asked by 27.10.2016 / 18:53

Display Local Bank data on the screen, Ionic

The function that makes select and throws the data to result is this: $scope.queryAndUpdateOverview = function(){ f_Select("SELECT * from cadastroPessoa",[], function(results){ $scope.dados = results;...
asked by 28.08.2015 / 20:09