Questions tagged as 'input'


Calculation of interval of 2 dates

Personal how do I separate dates and calculate the range of 2 dates and in the daterangepicker? Ex: I put the default selector $('input[name="daterange"]').daterangepicker(); I select the date range between them and the beginning stays in t...
asked by 18.03.2017 / 09:31

Add point to every three numbers (thousands) in a tooltip of the input range?

How do I add a "thousand point" in numbers, R$1000 to R$1.000 in a tooltip of the input range: Code: var mySlider = $("input#valores"); $('#valores-credito, #valores-parcela').slider({ formatter: function(value) { r...
asked by 02.09.2016 / 22:15

Difference between dates in months javascript [duplicate]

I want to have the difference of months between two dates. But I'm missing something. I want to type the dates in the inputs and the result appears in another input. var DateDiff = { inMonths: function(d1, d2) { var d1Y = d1.getFullYear...
asked by 16.07.2016 / 04:42

How to use the pattern to delimit a minimum number in an input text?

Hello, I need to define that the minimum number entered in an input of type text is number 5, I tried as follows: <input type="text" name="someName" id="someId" required="required" pattern="(([1-9]?[0-9]?[5-9]?)|([0-9]?[5-9]?)|([5-9]?))"/&g...
asked by 18.05.2016 / 05:22

Maximum call [...] when trying to open file dialog

HTML <div class="send">click<input name="files[]" class="file" type="file"></div> Javascript: $('body').on('click', '.send', function(e) { $(document).find('.file').click(); }); CSS: input { opacity: 0; }...
asked by 12.03.2016 / 21:20

How to repeat the fields of a form?

I have a form where you have: =f.input :name , label: false , placeholder: "Nome do amigo" , input_html:{class: "form__input"} , required: true =f.input :email , label: false , placeholder: "Email do amigo" , input_html:{class...
asked by 10.12.2015 / 19:25

Reverse order of names in inputs?

I'm trying to do an exercise where I have to get 5 names in 5 different input, store them in an array and print them in the same fields but in the reverse order they were. function inverteNomes(){ var nome1 = document.getElementById("txtN...
asked by 01.09.2015 / 03:36

Placeholder does not appear after applying "padding" in the input

Hello, I am having a very silly and simple problem that is causing me to miss a P # @ & time! Come on .. I'm using the Bootstrap v3.3.6 CLASS="form-control" If someone wants to do an inspection on the website, it is incomplete even in gi...
asked by 25.11.2015 / 04:17

"Substitute" ideal for placeholder

I'm in the final stages of a project! And now I'm doing the tests like performance tests and structuring errors! One of the errors found is placeholder of inputs and textarea. What can I use in place of the placeholder and which preferabl...
asked by 01.05.2015 / 02:00

Check equal data in SQL with onBlur

I need to type in input , it checks the database if there is an equal record, such as those fields of user creation in email. I think it's in onBlur of input , and using if == in the command, the problem is: how do I call SQL...
asked by 20.05.2018 / 01:06