I'm using the classic example of listview present in documentation of jquery mobile . However, when using images with different sizes, I would like the image to automatically be the size of container , how to do that?
I have an application where the user can upload an image, crop and "work" the image, adding props etc ... My problem is in the crop because the max size of the crop is always different depending on the the resolution of the images, to combat thi...
I have a small application where the user chooses a <select> option and in that an image is loaded via javascript using base64 .
The jqZoom plugin does not work correctly with base64 since it fre...
I have read in some places that we should not resize the images we ask of the server in the browser. But I have recently seen that it is good to have a large image with a low quality so that when these images are downloaded on a retina screen th...
I'm using resize-class to upload resizing, and other options if needed.
My only problem is that I want to change the name of the image when uploading, so there are no images with the same name and even for privacy reasons.
I want somethi...
I have these 3 images with 3 RadioButtons different, I would like to click on the image of the blank square for example, its RadioButton is selected.
I used radiobutton3.checked in event OnClick of image but did no...
So I'm trying to download an image through a url ...
I already identified the problem
$imgurl = 'http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BNTA2MTk3NzI5Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzU2MzYyNzE@._V1_SX300.jpg';
if( !@copy( $imgurl, './t...
I would like to display a promotional image within a PicutreBox in my app, but this image will vary depending on the promotion the Company is making.
Is there any code that PictureBox shows a certain image that is hosted somewhe...