Questions tagged as 'identity-server'


What is the difference and advantages in using @@ IDENTITY and OUTPUT INSERTED.

I've always used @@IDENTITY to get the last identity value entered, as in the example below. create Proc [dbo].[Arquivos] @IdArquivo int, @IdArquivo_Out int output as begin Set Xact_Abort on Set Nocount on Begin Tran begin...
asked by 24.11.2015 / 16:52

Edit view for the AspNetUserClaims table

Hello, I'm starting now with the ASP.NET Identity Framework and I need an edit view for the type and value of a claim. For example, a user must have Administrator and the Active value in order to access Managed Actions, but if it does no...
asked by 22.05.2018 / 23:05

Is it possible to have Authentication by IdentityServer4 and Authorization in the API, separately?

I recently asked a question on stackoverflow in English, however I may have expressed myself poorly and did not get the answer I wanted. Link in English . I have 3 different applications: IdentityServer which is my identity provider; Teac...
asked by 15.03.2018 / 23:27