Questions tagged as 'http'


Put local Json in external Json $ http Angular / Ionic

I want to pull this Json data from the Service via an external Json via $ http. I found several examples plus they are not returning result for me. .service('ProdutosService', function($q) { return { produtos: [ { "nomeProd": "nomeprod...
asked by 22.02.2016 / 12:24

HTTP - Correct types of return

I have some questions regarding the most appropriate status for each of the following situations: PUT on Object without Id PUT in URL localhost: 8080 / users / 1 with a JSON without the Id attribute. PUT in Object with Id othe...
asked by 11.06.2016 / 07:59

Error receiving header on PHP server sent via http request

I'll be needing your help. My restfull client application is sending a header called 'Auth' with an authentication token for the PHP server. When I do the tests with a server running on localhost everything works fine. However, when I put the...
asked by 21.11.2015 / 08:22

Send event data google calendar via http to server in java

In my script java can list my calendar events , as below: String pageToken = null; do { Events events= null; try { events =; } catch (IOException ex) {...
asked by 21.09.2015 / 23:19

How to convert String to Bytes array and vice versa?

I need to send an XML via post, but according to the service documentation, it is necessary to send the data "in bytes". So, I have the XML in question within a TStringList. How to turn it into an array of bytes? Any idea? Thanks for any help, h...
asked by 29.10.2014 / 18:23

How to get images on the internet through Java?

I am very new to Java and I need to get some images from the internet to insert in my project (there are 5 images). Here are sample links: www.tempoagr / temp / irati / temp1 www.tempoagr / temp / irati / temp2 www.tempoagr / temp / irat...
asked by 29.01.2014 / 15:00

Questions about htaccess

I have a friendly link that would be localhost/artists/nome-do-artista/ , however I want to create pages within it eg Biography. localhost/artists/nome-do-artista/biography , only that my htaccess does not allow, how to solve? I'...
asked by 18.02.2018 / 17:48

Requested angularjs being executed first incorrectly

In a controller, I have two HTTP requests: function findProfessionalEmail(professional) { EmailHunter.findProfessionalEmail(professional.company_name, professional.first_name, professionalLastName).then(function (da...
asked by 20.09.2016 / 22:10

Error with GET HTTP Special Characters

I have some problems when making HTTP GETs. When the page text has a special character, the response becomes distorted. Example: os participantes deverão: when the original text was os participantes deverão...
asked by 28.12.2015 / 19:12

service returning result of a $ http

I'm creating a service for an AngularJS application where I should query a ws and return a value for a variable. My problem is that when I use $http I can not get this value to return, if I use a console.log() ... I do this: ap...
asked by 02.06.2015 / 21:02