Questions tagged as 'http-request'


Return a query with all data from a table to the android

Good afternoon guys, I've had a question for a long time but I've only been trying to get it out now. I have an app that communicates with an online database remotely through a PHP Web Service. I have no problems if the data I need to return fro...
asked by 08.04.2015 / 21:57

Check if file is newer and then download

I created a windows service, which daily downloads some files. These files are about 2Gb (that's right, two gigabytes!). The problem is that these files are available every day on the site, but are updated randomly on a weekly basis, that is,...
asked by 26.11.2014 / 12:53

Insert multiple records into MySQL using NODEJS

How do I add multiple records at once in MySQL by passing an array of, for example, products? HTTP-POST request, where products is an array with an x number of products. FRONT-END addProduct(products: any): Observable<any> { ret...
asked by 04.12.2018 / 16:51

Problems with angular requests

Good afternoon, I'm starting a new stage and a few days later I'm stuck on a task that I can not understand the failure, I must make a registration form that communicates with an API already done and after many attempts the error persists: "Can...
asked by 04.12.2018 / 16:15

Problem with accent character when making a GET request for google app script

Hello, is everything good? I'm doing an HTTP REquest GET for Google App Script strUrl = "" strUrl = strUrl & "?admissao=" & admissao strUrl = strUrl & "&cidade=" & cidade str...
asked by 29.11.2018 / 15:00

Grant Implicit with Angular 6

In my company, we work with OAuth. We have an application where there is a method that returns a token. I'm developing an Angular application that needs to get a token. But I need to make a request with the grant_type of type Implicit. I d...
asked by 31.10.2018 / 21:00

Problem making a GET on my site when it is entered via www (react + django)

I have a django application that uses React on some of its pages (not two separate servers). In my pages in React, I make HTTP requests to django by api using Django Rest Framework. This application is already in the air, and in it I noticed...
asked by 10.10.2018 / 21:48

Consume API with mandatory parameters

If I have an API that requires two mandatory parameters to be consumed, how should I insert them into a $ http request? self.buscaPrestadores = function() { $http({ method: 'GET', url: self.urlPrestadores,...
asked by 06.10.2018 / 05:23

SSL Authentication

I am facing a small problem with an api, whenever I send the request I get the following errors: jquery-3.3.1.min.js: 2 Failed to load link : Response to preflight request does not pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'...
asked by 01.10.2018 / 22:06

My HTTP request (GET) is not running in ngOnInit () - Angular 6

I have a CRUD on angle 6 that connects to node and mysql. When I access the homepage the getQuotes () function loads all the data I need. When I access the screen to update a record and perform this update I'm forwarded to the home screen, but t...
asked by 25.09.2018 / 19:50