I need a simple filter of values of the column received by JSON and only show the lines that contain this value, json is generated by a php that does a query in SQL.
$(document).ready(function () {
remembering "data" and an array object, I am trying to mount this table with ecmascript 6.
var dados[{"N1":"Nome","N2":"Sobrenome"},
var tbody = "<tr>";...
I would like to know if there is a way to get just the cover or a specific page from a pdf file using html / php. I do not know if it is also possible to turn this page into an image so that you can manipulate it more easily?
I'm having trouble with my code, when I make a record of a new vehicle, it says that the vehicle is not being instantiated and is returning null. Here are my settings:
The question is the following, I have the form presented below:
I have a table and I want it to appear when the information button is clicked on the next line (which is hidden).
For this I would have to get the value of the td that I clicked and enable with the display: block only the line with value of t...
I'm trying to make a site where the penultimate section assumes a fixed position and the last one goes over. However, the goal is for the latter to never be halfway through. For this, after placing the penultimate section in fixed position, I de...
I would like to know how I can add a scrollbar to a table, I added css max-height properties but it did not work, I only got such behavior, it is only observed when I add the display block property, columns does not fill 100% of the width ... Wh...
How to display the data returned from the FireStore in an Angular ngModel directive?
I would like to get the data that is returned from the FireStore and display in an Angular ngModel directive, displaying on an edit screen.