Well, there's a home page that has 3 filters:
(select) Property Type: House or Apartment
(select) Business Type: Buy or Rent
(input) City or neighborhood
The person enters the 3 search parameters and clicks the "search" button. Next...
I'm developing an ASP (Classic) page and on this page I have this:
<%if(textocontrato) = "NULL" Then%>
<td >Texto Contrato</td>
<td ><input type="text" name="textocontrato" value="<%=textocontrato%>" size=30 m...
How to put the value of a variable (already computed in PHP) within an input ?
<form method="post" action="calculos.php">
<div id="circulantes">
<div class="ativocirculante" id="ativocirculante">
How to print html code?
<div id="css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.css.css"></div>
It does not print the link tag, it links to another css, I want to write that tag pro user read ...
I'm a beginner and I'm having trouble linking scripts, CSS, and images. I have the following structure in my site folders, just an example:
- Pasta Raiz
--- cadastro.html
--- icon.png
I would like to know if I could somehow change the title of a window confirm() because I'm developing an app using phonegap and when I call this window it presents me the title with the name of my html file, can I modify this? if so how...