Questions tagged as 'html'


View upload files on an HTML page

I'm developing a Physics Study website, where the Teacher uploads files for student viewing. Except for the url in the database and the file in a folder. I am unable to view the pdf file on the page. I'm using the iframe tag to view. I hav...
asked by 15.06.2017 / 15:33

Radio enable field, checked from bank

Personally I have a problem! I have a Radio that I get the value of the bank <div class="radio"> <label> <input type="radio" name="empre...
asked by 30.05.2017 / 05:46

UPDATE of database information

I have a table, where there is a field called (PAYMENT), the default value of it is "PAY". Imadethefollowingcodetochangethe"PAY" VALUE to "PAYMENT" $results = "UPDATE snaps SET Pagamento='PAGO' WHERE id= 27"; However, it only works for...
asked by 15.06.2017 / 22:57

Formatting Note for 2 decimal places

Receiving four values of inputs type number and doing some operations I'm requiring that the returns be formatted to 2 decimal places forever. Anyone has any tips on how to do it, because I could not and with format_number the formattin...
asked by 15.06.2017 / 06:18

HTML button as selection for questions

The user will access an HTML screen where they will have some questions and each question will have 3 or 4 answer options in the button format. When he clicks the button, the button changes color. In blue, it turns red. And so on, at the end...
asked by 14.06.2017 / 21:42

How to make the HEADER keep track of the height of the internal elements?

I have the following problem. My header does not automatically match the height of the internal elements. So when I set css border-bottom:#DE5207 3px solid; to header it does not display because it always has a height sma...
asked by 15.06.2017 / 23:26

How to create a table with HTML and CSS? [closed]

Hello. How do I create a responsive table in html and css using < ul > or < table > this way:     
asked by 29.05.2017 / 22:02

Error when trying to fetch from an HTML form DB MySql information

I'm trying to search through information passed by the user. However, when I click send, it gives an error. FollowmyFormcodeandPHPcode.1)HTML<!DOCTYPEhtml><html><head><title>BuscadaPessoaIdeal</title></head>&...
asked by 30.05.2017 / 05:06

mascara input html with javascript

Good evening. I have this field with a mask when typing cpf, it happens that if you copy / paste it does not apply the mask, only the numbers. How can I have the 2 mask forms in the imput? function formatar(mascara, documento){ var i = do...
asked by 07.07.2017 / 23:29

Subtraction with decimals in result

I have a problem that I can not solve, the function calculate () subtracts the price from the total payment and shows in the quantifalta, but when showing in the quantifalta, it shows like this: Price: 62,000 Total Payment: 60,000 Amount Mis...
asked by 08.07.2017 / 14:14