Questions tagged as 'html'


PHP - Bring the result of a table according to the most recent message from another table?

So .. I have 3 table: user: | ID | NOME | SOBRENOME | | 01 | Igor | Ferreira | | 02 | João | Henrique | | 03 | Rose | Beltão | following: | ID | user1_id | user2_id | | 01 | 01 | 02 | User 1 > Segu...
asked by 30.07.2015 / 13:51

Centralize elements using margin

I do not understand a lot of CSS or HTML, but I was building my website and I came across the following problem: Intheimageabove,youcanseethatallthumbnailsarearrangedandperfectlyaligned. WhenIresizethewindowthereisaspaceontheside.Iwantedtokn...
asked by 11.09.2015 / 01:31

Regular expression, removing values from HTML

I have an HTML that I need to retrieve the values from a set of <li> . This is part of HTML: <ul id="minhas-tags"> <li><em>Tagged: </em></li> <li><a href="/tags/tag1">tag1</a>,...
asked by 29.05.2015 / 02:52

Is it right to create my HTML tags?

I'm creating a website and I do not really like to be adding classes and id's because I think this makes the HTML a bit dirty. The system I'm developing will not be indexed by search engines because it's a small web app that contains a privat...
asked by 03.07.2016 / 00:19

Difference in formatting content in TextArea and Notepad

I have an ASP.NET MVC application where I display in a text area a content that is in the database. @Html.TextArea("Avisos", Model.Avisos, new { @class = "form-control", rows = 50, style = "max-width:none", @readonly = "" }) The display is...
asked by 01.06.2016 / 20:58

How to put a text cursor to start on the right? Calculator

I'm doing a basic calculator and in the calculations screen, I want the numbers to be "printed" from right to left. How can I do this?     
asked by 31.03.2015 / 03:14

How to block cursor movement in masked input?

I'm using the jQuery Masked Input plugin. <input name="dueDate" class="form-control input-mask-date" type="text" placeholder="Data de Vencimento" data-parsley-trigger="keyup" required=""> $(".input-mask-date").mask("99/99/9999...
asked by 13.06.2017 / 21:06

Percentage in ajax requests

I wonder if it's possible to create a percentage in Ajax requests. For example: When the form is submitted it starts with 0% up to 100% (when complete) My ajax: index.php <script src="jquery.js"></script> <script> $(...
asked by 10.12.2014 / 13:17

Is it safe to use font-face instead of cufon and the like?

I'm working on a website and need to use fonts that the user may not have on their machine. Do most browsers now support @font-face ? From which versions? It is already possible to give up alternatives like cufón ?     
asked by 04.09.2014 / 20:42

Pattern does not allow accented character?

I have a form and I'm validating it as follows: <input type="text" name="assunto" tabindex="5" pattern="[a-zA-Z0-9. - , ]{5,}" required> But if you type some accented character (á, à, ã, ç) it does not validate, does it have any speci...
asked by 14.11.2014 / 16:30