I'm working with a CSV (XML type) file, I'm using a google spreadsheet to clean the data, I'd like to edit a set of cells by making a selection of an image link in html and delete all the rest of the cell using Regex.
The google spreadsheet h...
Good afternoon, right now I'm developing a javascript, html and css project. it is the Game of the Rooster, the game works only that I need that the warning of victory or of tie only appears after the X or the O. And what is happening is that th...
How can I do to redirect out of my website in Laravel?
I have already tried with Redirect :: away () but it did not. I saw some solutions with javascript but wanted to look for other ways.
To with this code here:
function aparecer(){
const array1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10];
for (let i=0; i < array1.length;i++){
const lugar = document.getElementById('local');
const ul = document.createElement('UL');...
I watched this video (link below) and would like to build an element that only appears when the scroll reaches the "touch point". I believe it should be javascript. If anyone knew I would be very grateful: D I tried to link the files and add the...
Is it possible for jquery to understand the elements of an array value coming from the html? ps: I do not know if it is correct to say that in html there is an array.
I am creating with html and jquery a dynamic input that is having the v...
I have a view RecoverySenha , where it will bring the following message:
We will send password recovery information to the email below:
[email protected]
Where this view will already open with the email according to the user ID....
This code is in jsfidle, that is, it shows the stylized select and select it with an input search.
<script src="https://ajax.googlea...
I need to insert Tags into a site through the console. To be more specific, I want to add a TAG <iframe></iframe> .
I have already tried to use document.createElement('tag') , after that add the attributes of the tag b...
I get a list that has several types of HTMLElements. I need a NameValuePair list, with name and value of each object.
So I have this function that gets the list:
private List getValoresPost(List parametros){
List<NameValuePair> p...