Questions tagged as 'html'


How do I get the value of an input with getParameter?

I can not get the value of the following input. <input type="text" name="rua" class="form-control" id="rua" placeholder="Rua/Av/Estrada" disabled required> This field is populated through a web...
asked by 19.08.2017 / 17:53

Browse table with N lines with FOR and find specific values

How to move a table with N rows and find the values specific to each DropDownList ? Example of the table below: Itriedthecodebelow,butwithoutsuccess.functionValidarStatusGrid(){vartemp,td;vartable=$("tbPedidos"); var status = $("#...
asked by 13.04.2018 / 19:05

Access sub div JavaScript

<div class="container"> <div class="card-deck mb-3 text-center"> <div class="card mb-4 box-shadow"> <div class="card-header"> <h4 class="my-0 font-weight-normal">Lights</h4> </div&...
asked by 18.04.2018 / 20:19

Why can not I pass the summernote name="" via ajax

After some test I saw that summernote does not pass the name via ajax request, can someone tell me why this? $(document).ready(function(){ $(document).on('click', '#submit_btn', function(){ var titulo = $('#titulo').val();...
asked by 13.04.2018 / 17:49

How to hide the iframe scroll bar?

Why is this command not working? I wanted the scroll bar to disappear. I already used width: 0px; instead of display: none; but it did not work either. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="pt-br"> <read> <meta cha...
asked by 18.09.2017 / 08:17

Dynamically fill fields according to JSP CEP Javascript

I want that when I type my zip and click the search button, it returns the data of the public place, state, neighborhood and uf but clicking on the search button it is not calling the function that searches the data of a webService of the mail....
asked by 20.09.2017 / 20:57

Remove negative signal from input number

I have the following code in jquery: $.each(data.Dados, function (i, val) { tr += '<tr>'; tr += '<td><div class="product" style="margin-bottom:0;padding-bottom:0;"><div class="product-info" style="margin-bottom:0;pad...
asked by 09.11.2017 / 00:06

Use of CSS background-image and background-color

I'm studying HTML and CSS through Caelum's handout and I'm having trouble making CSS work correctly on the page. I have the following CSS code: body { color: #333333; font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Grande", sans serif;...
asked by 28.10.2017 / 02:02

How to convert text field with mask to double

I have a field in html of type text that has a currency mask. I have to save this value to a field of type double in the database, but I'm having trouble converting, where the value that would be after the comma is suppressed after...
asked by 02.06.2017 / 20:23

Hide a div

I have two divs and I want one to disappear when I get to 'md' and another to occupy the 12 columns. How can I do this with Bootstrap? <div class="container"> <div class="col"> Essa desaparece quando chegar em md </div&g...
asked by 04.04.2018 / 19:24