Questions tagged as 'html'


What is the standard method of positioning elements on a page?

What is the standard method of positioning elements on a page? I ask because I have seen in some material that by default the elements on a page ( HTML ) have the property position defined as relative , but searching I can...
asked by 02.10.2014 / 13:01

How to get div through another class

I have .aspx where I put a div alert. I have a Message class to handle the system messages. To treat these messages when instantiating the class, I pass as parameter the page, in the step method as parameter the message and...
asked by 03.10.2014 / 14:05

Alternative for File API for Outdated Browser

I need to read the binary of a file and post to a given URL, but without storing the file itself to the server (I can not store the file). To complicate - I would love to use the HTML5 file API for this, but I have to support IE9 (in every se...
asked by 09.09.2014 / 22:50

PDF Accentuation for HTML2PDF Library

I am generating a PDF only that I need the library to allow the use of accentuation? Does anyone have an idea how to do this in HTML2PDF? Thankful.     
asked by 09.09.2014 / 01:44

Checkbox with DataTable in table with Paging

I'm doing a table with DataTable and paging, but I need it to have a checkbox on each line. The problem is that when I have to select all, it only selects the first page, the other ones do not take effect. Follow Jquery: $('#selectAll').cha...
asked by 18.09.2014 / 20:01

Problem sending e-mail (with html) using PHP

Hello, I have a code in html to send in email which in normal html mode it normally apples but when I send email, when viewing in gmail, all the html arrives. In Thunderbird, the email arrives with the html correctly. Does anyone have a solut...
asked by 16.10.2014 / 06:16

Solution for sending multi-destination e-mail and with html

Hello, I was worried about a solution for sending multi-destination mail and with html, I have an email sent by smtp gmail that works, but there are two problems that I can not solve. Problem 1: I need to enable html codes in the body of the...
asked by 10.08.2014 / 20:49

Change onclick content according to page size

I'm doing a project that some images have tooltip, but it only appears with the click. The problem is that the mobile version is not legal, so I need to open a new page with the contents of this tooltip. Is there any way to change onclick conten...
asked by 14.08.2014 / 20:30

Problem with anchors in Safari in Windows

Hello, I have two pages, one of them contains an anchor for a section of the other page: <dsp:a page="${publicUrl}${}#ancora" class="veja-mais block"> In this other I have one, which is in the right place where it should be d...
asked by 26.08.2014 / 15:52

Adding elements to a textarea in checkbox order

Well folks would like to know who can help me. I found this script in this American forum link script, it literally does appear the values marked inside the textarea, yet it adds the items following the order of the checkboxes list. <html...
asked by 08.08.2014 / 04:42