Questions tagged as 'html'


Problems with EventHandler .click () and .animate ()

When I use $('#nervID').mouseout(function(){/* ... */}); alert() works and .animate() works normally with opacity working and being applied to elements with class .page The problem is that if I change .mouseout() to...
asked by 03.06.2014 / 21:34

How to display a sequence of images from a single link?

Normally when using image gallery plugins (Lightbox, Fancybox, etc.), we load image A from thumb A, image B from thumb B and so on. By setting a relationship ( rel="x" ), we were able to display several gallery images using "next" and "pre...
asked by 26.05.2014 / 19:59

Visual Studio Code - empty CSS ruleset

When I create a class in HTML and go to CSS and put ".alguma_Class {}" the css file does not recognize this class in the automatic search and only works if I type everything in the hand and only after that it starts appearing in the automatic se...
asked by 29.10.2018 / 22:42

Resize photos of carrousel made by Bootstrap and Javascript

I have a carousel made by Javascript and Bootstrap. It receives images from a database based on a clicks rank, but the images are all different sizes and end up interfering with the display of the carrousel, I already tried changing sizes in inl...
asked by 30.10.2018 / 15:46

How to focus on a specific DIV and blur the rest

Is there a Javascript / Jquery library of a target delimiting an area in a specific DIV and blurring the rest? Example I added a new item to the menu and as soon as I loaded the screen a focus on it and blurred the rest to be...
asked by 31.10.2018 / 19:04

How to remove attributes from some bootstrap class

I have Modal below that I included a Wizard to show some information. For this I am using the <ul> tag to align, however I am using the nav nav-tabs class but it generates a line that I can not remove. How can I a...
asked by 31.10.2018 / 16:01

Prohibit user to register 2 users with emails and matriculas equal [duplicate]

I wanted when the user was to register, if he informs an email or registration already existent in the bank of that a message and it is forbidden to register in the system, in the code below it continues registering the user even with the ema...
asked by 01.11.2018 / 19:11

Meta property is not working on face

I have the following html structure, however when I put my url on facebook, it does not open the image with the title. But twitter works perfectly. I color the url on the face does not display image. I have n...
asked by 01.11.2018 / 20:26

Redirect undetected

I would like my user to be redirected without it being detected. Example: <a href="ola.php">oi</a> Ola.php takes the source, with the attribute $ _SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER']. I would like my user to be redirected without be...
asked by 03.11.2018 / 02:29

How do I display HTML and CSS elements in PHP in a specific access level

I'm doing a page, using PHP I've entered a level of access to it. Access levels are user and admin. But I want that when the level of access for admin appears a button and when it is user does not appear the same <?php session_start(); if($...
asked by 03.11.2018 / 03:01