Questions tagged as 'html'


Validating Empty DropDownList

I have the following DropDownList: @Html.DropDownList("HorasPendenciaID", null, new { @class = "dropdown-custom" }) When you ' 0 ' in your value it is empty. I would like to validate if the DropDown is set to zero or not and display a me...
asked by 14.09.2016 / 16:28

How do I insert an image as the background of a div?

I want to add an image as the background of a div, and for this, I'm using the following code: <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div class="imagemDeFundo">...
asked by 14.09.2016 / 21:41

How to retrieve data from an open HTML form in a WebView?

Hello! I have a responsive web application that I intend to open via android application through a WebView. Well, the only problem is that I would need to grab some data from the submit from only one application form to send to a bluetooth print...
asked by 15.09.2016 / 18:13

How to reference HTML elements without ID in C # Windows Forms

Good evening! I have the following code: <H3>Dados Cadastrais</H3> <table class='dados'> <tr> <th>Avalista:</th> <td>VINICIUS ALVES GONZALEZ</td> <th>Contrato:</th>...
asked by 01.09.2016 / 01:59

ajax post with dynamic input

I have a form with a input that is created dynamically, as follows: <tr class="linhas"> <td align="right">Inicio:</td> <td align="left"><input name="inicio[]" class="dat...
asked by 31.08.2016 / 03:34

Onclick with alternate calls

I would like to know if there is any way to implement an alternate call in the onclick function, so when I click it once it executes a function, and when I click again call another function ... An example would be using checkbox...
asked by 27.11.2016 / 19:00

How to use the Oninput attribute?

I'm remembering some things in HTML and I came across the Oninput attribute. I know this attribute is for calculations, but I do not know how to use it. I already searched the net, but there is nothing in Portuguese.     
asked by 24.11.2016 / 23:08

Responsive Menu with dropdown submenu

I'm working on a model menu and need to adjust the display of the submenu. I can not make the submenu overlap the original menu. When I hover the mouse over the submenu link, it is displayed, however, it expands not only the submenu, but also th...
asked by 15.08.2016 / 18:04

Share information between php pages

I'm developing a WEB content and I came across a catch. I have an Item Listing page (Using JqDataTable). Itturnsoutthatinthislistingtherearetwolinks,oneforeditingtheitemreferringtotheline,andanotherforthedeletion.Byclickingonthechangeordelet...
asked by 17.08.2016 / 21:06

Is it possible to create a title for the "select" tag without it being part of the options?

I have a question about the "select" tag, if it is possible that it has a visible title without being part of the options?     
asked by 19.08.2016 / 19:02