Questions tagged as 'html'


doubts with web printing

Personal in my project I use MVC, in the front end I use angular / html / js, etc. I need to print a report, what is the best way to do it? which tools to use? I tested it using this code: $scope.printReceita = function () {
asked by 01.02.2018 / 10:50

Window when you click the html button

Hello, and I'm creating an area on my site, where when the person clicked on "show more" would open a window on the site itself, showing the content as in the image below, but I have no idea how to do it, could you help me?     
asked by 10.01.2018 / 20:28

Form submitting null values

I have this little form that should send the data filled in to the page "cad_real_qm.php". However, I have a function in javascript that checks if some fields are null and if it is, will issue an alert. However, when testo giving submit in the e...
asked by 28.11.2017 / 16:26

Update database modal

I made a code that updates the data entered by the user in the database, however, he is giving the message that the data has been updated, but does not update anything. The system works like a search. The user types the number (number and primar...
asked by 29.11.2017 / 13:21

Uncaught TypeError: Can not read property 'NAME' of undefined

I have a problem that is killing me ... I'm trying to get the API to be able to get the API data in the table, and it will give the error: Uncaught TypeError: Can not read property 'NAME' of undefined. And this "NAME" is an array that has in the...
asked by 26.10.2017 / 15:30

How to get "name" in an HTML editor?

Ineedtosendtheinformationtypingintothedatabase,howeverIdonotknowhowtogettheinformationfromtheHTMLeditor.Hereisthecode:<divclass="alinha"> <h3>Sistema de notícias</h3> <form action="valida_noticia.php" method="...
asked by 25.10.2017 / 13:30

Is there any way to put Scroll on TBODY? [duplicate]

I have a table where the amount of items listed in TBODY is quite large and I would like to add a scroll by setting the maximum size of TBODY to 500px. I tried to do this but it did not work (I'm using Google Chrome) #sc...
asked by 13.11.2017 / 13:23

Is it possible to collect an html source code using python?

I would like something in python, some library that could access the site and get its source code (HTML). Example: <h1>hello</h1> Is it possible for python to get into and collect the source code for it?...
asked by 12.11.2017 / 14:56

Delete label text with jquery

I need to delete the text contained within the label tag ("Justification") with jquery, follow the code: function add_text() { if ($("#tipo").val() == "Falta") { $(".b").remove(); $("#just").remove(); $("#justificativa")....
asked by 31.08.2017 / 03:47

Changing button function via jQuery

I have some buttons that in the click of the same directs an ajax request to an external file that adds a product, however this does not matter much in this case. I manipulate these buttons, and every time the button with span buy, where...
asked by 30.08.2017 / 22:53