Questions tagged as 'html'


How to change text from a header element in JavaScript?

What is the best function that changes the text of a header element ( h1 , h2 , h3 , etc) through JavaScript? I tried this way to change the text: function mudarTexto(id, novoTexto){ document.getElementById(id).innerText...
asked by 08.10.2014 / 16:25

Bootstrap Carousel with two vertical items

The challenge is to: Make a Carousel using Bootstrap , which displays two items at a time, aligned vertically. Here's an outline of the idea: IfoundsomeexamplesofCarouselusingmultipleitems,butnotverticallyaligned. link I tried to impleme...
asked by 25.09.2014 / 22:33

Capture size and extension of a file and report via HTML

I have a listing of files on a page that I'm developing. The HTML looks like this: <li class="downloadsCont"> <div class="grid_365 f-left"> <div class="downloadsContImg f-left"> <img src="fotoSYS&w=290" alt...
asked by 30.09.2014 / 15:08

square div with angle of 45º

The question is complicated and I believe the answer will be too. I can not explain very well what I would like to do (and I do not even know if there is any), that's exactly why I've put images to exemplify better. Well, assuming I have 9 DI...
asked by 08.10.2014 / 03:02

How to use a global variable for a link

I'm trying to use $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] to make it easier to use links where I could call the variable in any directory on the site. To use with include($pagina_inicial) works, but for link does not work: For example: <...
asked by 04.10.2014 / 07:14

Two Forms working on the same resultset

How do we have two forms working on the same resultset? Taking the YouTube search example (see below) InRedthedefaultsearchwheretheuserplacesthesearchandclicksonthesubmitformbutton(inthecaseofthemagnifyingglass)andinGreenanotherformwiththeres...
asked by 06.01.2015 / 12:09

Vertically center a span

How can I vertically center a tag (Top countries) with the form? Code: <div class="wrapper" role="main"><!-- START Content --> <div class="container"><!--- START Site Content ---> <div class="r...
asked by 07.01.2015 / 20:47

Insert mysql using ajax

I'm trying to insert a record into the DB via ajax but I'm having problems, I was using format: 'json' but it was giving permission error and talz, now I'm using type: "POST", dataType: "jsonp" . Anyway, this data for me to insert t...
asked by 12.08.2014 / 19:28

Ways to Replace Iframe in HTML

I have code that does not work in IE8 and I wanted to find a way to get it to work with any other code. even if it's jquery. HTML: <center><table border="0"> <tr border="0"> <td border="0"> <iframe class="TbRH" sr...
asked by 02.02.2015 / 13:00

Feed hidden field by click on the column of a table

This is my jQuery that mounts HTML in my cshtml. $(data.resultado).each(function () { str += '<tbody>'; str += '<tr>'; str += '<td>'; str +=...
asked by 08.05.2014 / 20:32