Questions tagged as 'html'


Only allow to select two days ahead

I would like a javascript function that would allow me to select only two days ahead of the current one. example: today is 06/28/2018 it allows me to select from day 3, because it would count day 29/06 as 1st day, would skip weekend and would co...
asked by 29.06.2018 / 00:18

How to execute a javascript using href? [closed]

I would like to run javascript down using href . But by clicking on the supposed Log Out link, nothing happens. If I keep the cursor on the link it shows me the destination as javascript:logout() function logout() { var ch...
asked by 28.08.2015 / 22:11

How to extract specific data from an html file with php?

I'd like to know how I can extract some of the contents of a HTML file. This file has dozens of emails and names and would like to extract this data. Can anyone help me do this? <div class="tcell tquick"> <div style="backgrou...
asked by 07.08.2015 / 03:55

Uploading image with Jquery

How to upload image using Jquery? This is a question that has been haunting me for a long time, I hope you can help me. Well, I've been researching and I've seen a plugin for this, ajaxForm. But I do not find structure to use it, in the pa...
asked by 25.05.2016 / 00:23

How to create a folder for each user in PHP?

I would like an example of how to create a folder to store the data of each user in php, for example I imagine that in the sequence is saved an index within this folder and this index is created at the ti...
asked by 20.04.2016 / 12:43

Write each step of calculating a factorial

I have a piece of code that calculates the factorial of a number in JavaScript, but I wanted it to return the steps of each calculation, eg:    3! = 1x2x3 = 6 Follow the code I made. I tried to "print" decrementing the variable, but I'm n...
asked by 31.05.2018 / 06:10

Add links to words in a text

On an html page how do the words in the text be converted into links? so that by clicking on a certain word, open the google translate page with the translation of the word. For example, in this sentence: "The universe is to everyone" If...
asked by 19.07.2018 / 22:07

How do I limit a text box?

I need to put a line limit in a text box, and also use a trasition so that when the person clicks on the text it opens and shows the whole message. If anyone has any ideas Thank you XD     
asked by 15.05.2018 / 22:06

How to select input with checked checked?

I have this code: <input type="radio" name="rankeamento_por" id="rankeamento_por2" value="PROC_MEM_KB" checked> MEMORIA <input type="radio" name="rankeamento_por" id="rankeamento_por" value="PROC_CPU" > CPU <input type="radio" n...
asked by 09.05.2018 / 15:26

How to avoid the page load when I click Calculate in the form with JavaScript

I'm doing this program for a college job with HTML CSS and JS. But whenever I click on calculate the page reloads and the result consequently somo. I've already tried other questions here and in other forums but I did not find anything that work...
asked by 26.02.2018 / 21:52