Questions tagged as 'html'


Line-Height - Does not Leave Vertically Centralized Text

I'm using line-height to center a text vertically. But the text seems to me to have a small margin. See the image below, I selected the font to see better the spacing that is making the difference when it comes to centering. Can you fi...
asked by 25.06.2015 / 19:32

Aligning image dynamically

I'm doing an area of the site where I try to dynamically align the images that will come from the possible "clients", the problem that is happening is that I do not know how to break the line because I need to get 3 images side by side, and afte...
asked by 30.06.2015 / 15:16

How to display only half of the div's background-color

I need to show only 50% of the bg of the DIV, how? #coberturas legend{ font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; padding:10px 20px; display:block; position:absolute; bottom:0; box-sizing: border-box; b...
asked by 25.06.2015 / 19:56

Decrease physical size when displaying image

I need a way to compress the size of an image I get from a third party, that is, I get the link with the path of an image and I have to show it on my site. The main problem is that these images are very large and need to load a thumbnail...
asked by 19.06.2015 / 18:55

Delayed client side image rendering

I use images on a web page that are loaded from a field of type blob in Firebird . Images open in a modal, fully loaded, that is, without using thumbnails , and when the user clicks on one of these images, the image is resized to a larg...
asked by 25.06.2015 / 19:04

How to create subcategories with Javascript

I have this list: <li> <a href="" class="category-subtree-expandable">Vestuário</a> <ul> <li> <a href="" class="category-subtree-expandable">Feminino</a> <ul&...
asked by 30.07.2015 / 03:08

How can I change the scrollbar color inside a div?

How can I do to change the color and style of a scrollbar inside a div? I searched the internet and found this example but it did not work: scrollbar-arrow-color:#000000; scrollbar-base-color:#000000; scrollbar-dark-shadow-color:#000000; s...
asked by 30.07.2015 / 15:40

How to make slide effect with jquery and js

Well, using jquery and js, I wanted to make a slide where my php would pull many divs, and the limit would be 8 divs, for example, if you click the next button, it will move to other divs that do not fit on the page , and if you click the prev bu...
asked by 29.07.2015 / 23:39

@media in CSS does not work correctly

I have two CSS links on my site: The normal layout, and the "responsive corrections" with @media. To do tests with different screen sizes, I'm using Resposive Design Mode from Firefox. When I did the calculations with @media for 1920x900 screens...
asked by 29.07.2015 / 02:47

Creating application .exe type o phonegap

I would like to know if there is any application type phonegap that translates packages a html+js+css system into .exe If yes (I believe it exists) Which tool (s) does it exist? How to create?     
asked by 31.07.2015 / 14:35