Questions tagged as 'html'


Including external .js files

Well, I have a .js file in (example). This file contains functions that send requests via Ajax to another file, data.php (search and return in json), which is in the same folder as the hosting of the .js file. The idea is to...
asked by 04.03.2016 / 02:15

Display div elsewhere, according to screen resolution

Would you like to give a different include for each resolution? Like ... If the resolution (width) is greater than 768 I want to display 2 columns (grid_6 and grid_6), opening the text next, ok. Butifitisalessresolution,Iwanttodisplayonlyone...
asked by 22.03.2016 / 15:42

How to change color only from the css header

How do I change only the color of the header and not the entire body of the site? I've tried putting background: #fff; but it does not work. I tried this, but without success: <header class="header"> <h1> SAMCRO </...
asked by 09.12.2015 / 01:07

Problem with float

I'm not able to align two elements side-by-side properly. The container of these two div 's looks like it has height: 0; or initial , only recognizing the height of the element without float: left; , which in this c...
asked by 06.12.2015 / 19:47

Use variable more times, click event

I have a select HTML and change the value of a variable after it passes the onchange () function. The problem is that I have another condition and I can not validate. JS: //function mode select var option = 0 function getData(val) { if (val...
asked by 05.11.2015 / 13:32

Receive Json array and insert into a loop with HTML

Good evening, I'm using phonegap to make an application and then the following problem occurred: I have this HTML code: <div class="content"> <article class="underline"> <a href="incidente.html"><img id="inc...
asked by 09.11.2015 / 04:14

Doubt with js function

Good morning, Srs. First of all, sorry for my questioning, I'm not a web programmer and I need to do something where I'm a layperson. I'm trying to give a "simple" maintenance on a dashboard here of the company where I work, in it we have a b...
asked by 16.11.2015 / 13:36

How to do when to click on an item from a menu the tab receive the corresponding view in angularJS?

Well guys I'm starting to study angularjs, and in my application I wanted to do something like this. I have a dropdown menu and I also have some tabs that I created manually. When I clicked on a menu item I wanted to make this tab receive the...
asked by 17.11.2015 / 13:03

Tag thead fixed at the top and tbody with scroll bar in table in HTML

I want a table with the tag thead fixed at the top and tbody with a vertical scroll, I found some solutions that only use CSS, but use the display property, removing the default behavior from the table and making the same as...
asked by 18.07.2016 / 04:00

Separate login page from other pages that are loaded from ng-view

I have a small application SPA ( Single Page Application ) with AngularJS where all pages are loaded in index.html through ng-view . But I added a layout with a sidebar and a few more things on that page and I call...
asked by 10.11.2015 / 12:49