Questions tagged as 'html'


problems when deleting unlink file ()

I would like to delete a file in the file, and nothing is going well from the following error Strict standards: Only variables should be passed by reference could you guide me to solve this error? I'll be thankful! Image Link: <a id="photo-...
asked by 24.09.2015 / 22:30

WebScrape placar previdencia

I needed to extract the information from this site to an excel file, which MPs vote for, against, abstention, anyway. It's a webspace exc, but as I understand html I'm having trouble understanding the nodes. I've tried read_html , readH...
asked by 07.04.2017 / 22:24

Get content from text fields via ID using JavaScript

I have a checkbox that at the time I select and search for the value in the type="text" field, one of the fields is working perfectly plus the second field does not work. function pega(){ var opcao = document.getElementById("opc...
asked by 01.12.2015 / 21:51

Set file name in the dialog of an input file

Good morning, I wonder if there is any way to set a default name in the input type="file"... dialog. And also if there is how to define the way in which this dialog will open. Eg "/ Downloads /", (I would always like to open that path)....
asked by 17.11.2015 / 12:02

How to click and descend a hidden part?

I know the question is confusing, but it's the following, I made a jQuery code through codeacademy (jQuery Functions and Selectors 11.Click and Pull), and there teaches you to do an algorithm that I found very cool, but it only works there, in m...
asked by 19.11.2015 / 02:15

Auto completing input with address

Is there any API that when typing the name of a city for example, will the suggestion appear as the name of the city below the form? Please do not send the Google Place Autocompleter, I need an API that will provide the city and state suggestion...
asked by 20.03.2014 / 01:23

Calling function with onclick

I can not call a function using onclick, calling it straight from the html tag comes normal but if I call it non-obstructive way no chance I already read several docs I tried in ways and nothing anyone can give a light. document.getElementById...
asked by 31.03.2014 / 21:37

I can not remove the fields I just placed

I need to insert some fields dynamically and I found a video lesson that showed how to do it. However, after doing everything right, my code does not remove the ones I just inserted. Where is the error? Here is the code: <script typ...
asked by 15.04.2014 / 04:13

How to separate icon from text in a div

I'm creating an element for my site (which is responsive), however, I can not seem to leave the elements separate. Here are some prints: As is: HowIwantittostay: EXAMPLE - JSFiddle     
asked by 10.05.2014 / 03:46

Assemble query for query in bank according to marked checks

I have the following situation, the user can select the language level, such as: Basic, Intermediate or Advanced and I have it in the form of a checkbox. I need to set up a dynamic query according to the user-selected options, for example, if...
asked by 29.05.2014 / 18:03