Questions tagged as 'html'


Checking the data type received in POST in PHP

I need to find out what kind of data I am getting in a user's post. The user can provide me the data in XML format, JSON HTML and text Content-Type = text / xml / json / text / html Accept = application / json / xml / text / html     
asked by 07.07.2016 / 15:01

Mounting an HTML table from another records with JQuery and C #?

I need to compose / generate a new table in html where the new records will come from a selection of <input type checkbox> in another table in the same html page displayed in a modal, see image. Once the user clicks on import, you...
asked by 08.07.2016 / 19:48

Nomenclature for radio, checkbox, select, inputs, etc.

What is a good name to define these types of inputs? chk_questao1 rdo_questao2 txt_questao5 slc_questao3 Which naming pattern is best? Is there any good practice?     
asked by 05.07.2016 / 21:13

How do I put mask in the input (Total Value)

ScriptAdhesionValuefunctionmascara(o,f){v_obj=ov_fun=fsetTimeout("execmascara()",1) } function execmascara(){ v_obj.value=v_fun(v_obj.value) } function mreais(v){ v=v.replace(/\D/g,"") //Remove tudo o que não é dígito v=v.replac...
asked by 21.12.2016 / 16:57

I have problems with this form to pass the data through PHP, but I can not get the error

I have this form within a bootstrap modal; <form action="form_handler.php" method="get" name="precioUpdate"> <div class="col-xs-6"> <label for="venbras_actual_venta" class="col-xs-12 form-control-label">Precio actual de...
asked by 31.12.2016 / 16:50

How to use thymeleaf each?

Look closely at the code on my controller; @RequestMapping("/produtos/form") public ModelAndView form() { ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("produtos/form"); modelAndView.addObject("tipos", TipoPreco.values());...
asked by 05.04.2016 / 00:59

Download Javascript Array in a Combobox

I would like help in this small problem, I have to do a combobox shows 5 states being loaded by an array in javascript, my code is like this. HTML <select > <option id="estado"></option> </select> My Javascrip...
asked by 15.05.2017 / 16:37

How does the browser read and interpret css? [closed]

I'm starting this Front world and I read that the browser reads and interprets css from right to left. But as it reads and interprets when the cascade of classes exists, just as in this example: .classe-A .class-B #id-A span p { co...
asked by 07.02.2018 / 19:55

Prevent browser autocomplete [duplicate]

Is there a way to prevent, through code, the browser from making suggestions for filling in the login form? Is that the system will be used in laboratories and would be annoying the browser to suggest all previously registered CPF. In addit...
asked by 22.02.2018 / 19:40

How to convert html texts (entities) into "normal" texts?

In my database are saved rows that are "read" by html, so they are saved with tags and those characters that do not know the name = > &nbsp, &eacute etc .. The problem is that in my application I will use this text to put i...
asked by 18.01.2018 / 19:39