Questions tagged as 'html'


English Quotes how to edit?

I'm doing a site that I came across that a text will have an English quote, so that's fine, just do the code, but the problem starts when I edit your font to get bigger, the final quote creates an automatic height that I do not use position abso...
asked by 10.07.2018 / 23:40

How do I unmark the previous radio button after selecting another?

I have five radio button , of these five one is "marked", how do I uncheck the radio button that I clicked after clicking another? Example: <fieldset> <legend>Selecione:</legend> <label>Moran...
asked by 06.03.2017 / 21:15

How to zoom in / out?

Hello, I'm trying to make Javascript a function that gives zoom slow in my image, that is, increasing my background-size slowly, to give impression of movement in the image. I tried to do this function, but when running the site...
asked by 16.01.2017 / 05:26

Problem with onload event

I would like to ask someone who is knowledgeable in pure javascript, why this is happening. I have a code that should only show the image when it is loaded (onload), but the function only fires when I wrap the onload directly in the img tag,...
asked by 04.10.2016 / 00:20

How to avoid excessive line breaks in a textarea

So guys, how can I replace excessive line breaks in a text, so that when I have more than one line break followed these occurrences are replaced by one, regardless of how many were placed. For example: The text entered by the user: <te...
asked by 30.09.2016 / 20:55

Leave selected menu

I have a side menu and every time I click on an item to open a page, I would like it to be selected with a color. Menu.xhtml <ui:composition xmlns="" xmlns:ui="" xmlns:h="http:...
asked by 20.05.2016 / 20:52

Span within @ Html.ActionLink

I have the following column of a table: <td style="font-size:10%"> <p class="list-group-item-text"> @Html.ActionLink((string)item.cidadenome, "Cidade", "Cidade", new { cidadecod = item.cidadecod, contratocod = item.contrat...
asked by 08.09.2016 / 21:25

Bootstrap libs declaration [closed]

I have declared in the code the bootstrap libs like this: Myerrorisonthepage,thatwhenIclickonthemenuicon,itdidnotexpandSee: Anysuggestions?<!DOCTYPEhtml><html><head><title>PousadaDeutschesHaus</title><metacha...
asked by 07.09.2016 / 17:05

How to save HTML in Mysql

I have a deadlock over storing an HTML in the DB. I'm using the property in php: htmlentities($_POST['codhtml']) to perform this operation. But when saving a code like: <span class="frase-aditivo mover" id="adt6-enable" style="transf...
asked by 14.06.2016 / 20:25

Javascript - save / update content

Well, my question is: I would like to know if it is possible to update the contents of a file in general. Example: I have a file called name.html and inside it I have a <h1>nome</h1> , I would like to do a function that wh...
asked by 25.01.2016 / 06:26