Questions tagged as 'hibernate'


Working with PostgreSQL array data types using Hibernate

How to perform object retrieval and saving using columns of type array using Hibernate ? In my case I want to save String . How do I set% object_to%? I found the net some examples but they did not work. My class model...
asked by 25.03.2014 / 21:49

Slow Hibernate Search Index

This is a crosspost I did in stackoverflow in English. It is difficult to understand (and correct) this problem. I'll post it here to see if anyone in our community has ever been through this and knows what might be going on. What happ...
asked by 25.03.2014 / 02:27

Foreign key not printed on table

I have an entity that has the OneToOne relationship with another, but the foreign key of the other entity is not being printed on the table, the field is empty Entity that has the OneToOne relationship @Entity public class LivroOrdem impl...
asked by 20.11.2018 / 14:11

I can not connect Jpa with PostgreSql at all

I'm trying to connect to postgresql , however, without success. My application will be a jsf application and so I'm using persistence. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <persistence version="2.0" xmlns="
asked by 15.04.2014 / 03:56

A different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session

When I edit a reservation I get this error in the console:    A different object with the same identifier value was already   associated with the session: [ # 3883] Here is my Reservation class (which I want to...
asked by 13.08.2018 / 21:46

Object getting null in the middle of the process

I'm developing a system using Java, Maven, Hibernate, PrimeFaces and MySQL database. Within this system, I created a program to record the amount of rainfall that occurs on the day. My table Pluviometro has the fields for (auto increme...
asked by 25.05.2018 / 02:57

WinForms application stops working if the computer goes into hibernation

I have an application in winforms , which stays on the company server, then I pull the shortcut to the work area and the employee runs normally. The problem began to happen, when we switched some computers (Desktop) to notebook computer...
asked by 18.05.2018 / 20:33

Method not found using JPA

I've created a method for autocomplete. But when I am going to invoke this method the same is not found, it follows error: Advertência: /pessoal/cadastrar.xhtml @35,186 completeMethod="#{pessoalController.lookupFornecedores}": Method not...
asked by 12.05.2014 / 20:37

Partial object update / Do not update null values with JPA

I'm using JPA for a webservice, and I'm using Merge to update, but it updates all my object values, is there any way to perform a partial update of it? Example, only change values that are not null?     
asked by 08.09.2017 / 15:34

Hibernate Criteria - Group Dates

Currently I can group dates using Projections.sqlGroupProjection (). When my date field is in the same class as I create Criteria, it works perfectly. The problem is when I create an alias, and the date field I want to group is within the class...
asked by 16.05.2015 / 13:11