Questions tagged as 'heroku'


Heroku server H10 code error in a Spring Boot project

I'm new to putting projects on the server Heroku, I saw in the videos lessons I got on the internet and the step by step was going ok, the heroku commands that everything, when I did the project deployment on heroku immediately typed the URL to...
asked by 16.06.2017 / 16:49

chat with faye, rails and heroku

Implemented a chat that works 100% locally. But when uploading the application to heroku, chat does not work. So I followed this tutorial tutorial and when I access the chat page, I get the following message:   Sure you're not looking for /...
asked by 31.07.2016 / 02:25

Uploading project node.js (with websocket) to Heroku

The project is this: link I followed all these steps: Heroku login ssh-keygen -t rsa heroku keys:add Procfile (web: tilestream --host --host '*' --uiPort=$PORT --tilePort=$PORT --tiles=./tiles) heroku c...
asked by 05.06.2014 / 17:35

Django Project Deployment on Heroku with Errors

When trying to deploy my Python project using Django in Heroku, I'm getting the following error. Counting objects: 3, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done. Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 273 bytes...
asked by 13.12.2018 / 01:12

nodejs and express with conection timeout (h13) in heroku when dealing with pagseguro notifications

Hello, I have an api in heroku and she communicates with the pagseguro api (notifications), the wheel that handles the notification needs to pick up the transaction code that is received by post, make an appointment in the pagemobile api get the...
asked by 26.12.2018 / 13:22

Localhost Can not read property 'route' of undefined

I have an application that runs perfectly on herokuApp. But when in local application the build works but the dist folder has errors. The console.log displays the following 3 errors below. If someone has gone through this and I have an answer, I...
asked by 24.07.2018 / 13:21

How to install dependencies for an application in Heroku?

I have some issues with implementing my application in Heroku. After adding the pipefile construct, the application has been deployed. However, I received an application error message on the site. The message on the site offers me to vie...
asked by 08.06.2018 / 17:34

Error deploy Heroku app Django

After deploying on Heroku, I opened the link in my application ( link ), and it displayed the following error: ProgrammingError at / relation "Produto" does not exist LINE 1: ..., "Produto"."criado", "Produto"."modificado" FROM "Produto" ....
asked by 23.05.2018 / 15:28

Is it possible to send an application defined in docker-compose.yml to Heroku?

Well, I have an application running in the docker environment, however I use docker-composer.yml and not Dockerfile to define services, etc. Is it possible to send an app only if it is mounted in Dockerfile? I follow all the steps in the Heroku...
asked by 22.02.2018 / 22:16

Problem deploying in heroku with apigility

I'm trying to upload an api created with Apigility to the heroku. The application compiles correctly, however when I make any request, I get a 500 error as a return. In the heroku log, I see the following error:    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught E...
asked by 05.12.2017 / 19:37