So I wanted to know what the limitation is for memory allocation to the JVM depending on the operating system and processor architecture. If you configure it, lower the maximum value of the perm-size to a lower value, can you further increase th...
In a book about C, in which I started studying variables, I would say that the variables were randomly placed in memory, for example:
int a;
int b;
printf("a = %d\n", &a); --> 5000 (endereço) (%d ao invés de %p para simplificar)
This question may sound elementary but it has generated a good debate with a co-worker.
I can whenever I do allocations in Stack because for me the Stack growth is constant in time. And already the allocation performance in...
How do I use a class array as a pointer? I tried in several ways, but C ++ would not let me compile errors.
An example of the class (Just an example, the class I need to use is thousands of times larger than this)
class Pessoas
Assuming the following structure:
typedef struct lnode{
struct lnode *next;
void *data;
int id;
Let's say I want to store a Lnode in heap :
Lnode *exp = malloc(sizeof(*exp));
Should I now also use malloc...