Questions tagged as 'google-cloud'


Login / logout audit in MySQL

I need to know when users login to the mysql database. My first attempt was to configure the general_log and log_output = FILE parameters. However these options generate excessive logs and this is a problem for me. In fact I do not need t...
asked by 18.01.2018 / 18:52

Laravel 5 in google app engine - Error 13 Storage bucket

I'm trying to use the google app engine to run a Laravael 5 application, whenever I try to deploy the following error occurs:    ** Updating service [default] ... failed.       ERROR: ( Error Response: [13] An internal erro...
asked by 14.11.2017 / 19:27

DataStudio does not connect with restricted user Mysql

I created a new user in Mysql with restricted permissions for only one VIEW. (GRANT ALL ON banco.view TO 'user' @ 'localhost') When I try to connect to this user in DataStudio I get access denied. However, using the same user in any other too...
asked by 16.02.2018 / 18:45

Connect to Cloud SQL via PHP hosted on Compute Engine

How do I connect to a Cloud SQL instance through a php file hosted on a Compute Engine VM? • I have a MySQL instance in Cloud SQL called bd-vendas , and I created a database named vendas in it. • I have a Linux Debian VM built...
asked by 08.08.2018 / 19:56