Questions tagged as 'git'


Gitlab does not display all changes

In one of the GitLab repositories, 93000 rows have been added in a commit. When I look for this commit locally, using commands such as git log , git show for example, I have a return, through the --stat flag, that actually...
asked by 06.09.2018 / 19:40

How to clone just a subdirectory of github

Assuming you have a dummy directory in github: link And within "Directory" have the subdirectories: link link Is it possible to clone only "sub1" without having to clone the entire "Directory" directory?     
asked by 30.06.2018 / 21:20

What are the dangers of accepting a merge from a branch with commits behind?

Sometimes when I make a merge request in a project, it appears that there are commits behind , I understand that this happens due to the fact that at the time of creating my branch , based on the branch where I will create the merge reques...
asked by 16.10.2018 / 20:55

Git semantic messages

Eventually, as I browse through the thousands of GitHub repositories, I repair myself with certain standardized commit messages:    feat (*): initiate re-write Or:    refactor (*): remove unwanted files What are these words (...
asked by 09.09.2018 / 03:03

Copy files from one remote to another using GIT

I have two remotes configured, the origin (repository in heroku) and github (repository in github). In my local repository I made several changes but I gave the push only in the origin, leaving the github without updates and commits. Now I would...
asked by 17.03.2015 / 18:34

How to recover commit removed?

Consider the following story: In the local repository I committed A and B. I pushed the repository on the server. I went back to the local repository and made changes. I removed commit B from the local repository (using the command bel...
asked by 02.11.2015 / 19:38

How do I get changes to a specific branch / branch from a remote repository in GIT?

I created a new branch / branch on my local machine. So I made commit and push to the remote repository on BitBucket. I noticed in BitBucket that the new branch / branch was created successfully. Now, another programmer needs...
asked by 17.02.2014 / 21:50

Add new file to commit

How do I add new files to a commit already done in Git, without creating a new commit? If you've already pushed the remote server, such as "re-committing"?     
asked by 06.03.2015 / 19:36

Git alias for the current branch name

In my work it is very common to switch between feature branches and stage / develop branches several times during the day. And many of these times I need to write or use a tab to complete the name of the branch even though it is inside it. I wan...
asked by 01.11.2016 / 03:43

Get the name of the remote

bash of Git, to update the local branch in use from a remote branch , we use the command: p> git pull nomeDoRemote nomeDoBranch In , when navigating to the directory of a project, we see something like this: usuario MINGW64 ~/foo/bar...
asked by 11.07.2017 / 20:17