Questions tagged as 'galeria'


How to crop an image from the gallery or photo taken by the camera, save and load an imageView

I would like to know how to crop an image from the gallery or photo taken by the camera, save and load a imageView , as I can do this for the intent gallery option, but for the camera option it returns me a data = null below...
asked by 04.02.2016 / 23:17

How do I have two or more dynamic filters in the same Javascript product group? [closed]

The code works on the first filter but when I choose the second filter it performs a new search and ignores the first one. How do I make the filters work simultaneously. Follow the code $(document).ready(function(){ $("#filtr...
asked by 11.01.2016 / 19:42

Image pop-up gallery

I have this in an HTML file: And I wanted a picture slide, like a gallery, pop-up when you clicked on one of the images. Something like this link , does anyone know how to do it?     
asked by 27.11.2015 / 12:28

Grid styling for gallery using flex display

Well, I'm trying to create a gallery, in the template below, however, I need to use display:flex , how can I accomplish this? I thought about using float, but I remembered that the flex display ignores any float: /     
asked by 08.09.2017 / 21:09

CSS Gallery Creation

I'm trying to create a gallery that I think is simple, but it's giving me a lot of work and I can not do it. I would like to know how I can do it and if you have any tips or useful information about it. Gallery template to be created;...
asked by 10.01.2017 / 12:24

How do I save an image from the gallery and load it into the activity?

I would like to know how to save an image from the gallery and load the activity in version 2.3.3 of the Eclipse emulator, because my code only works when I test it on my Android 4.1 device and even then when I load a large image it leaves a hug...
asked by 24.01.2016 / 21:22

How to take an image from gallery and keep orientation (portrait / landscape) on android [duplicate]

I have an app that takes images from the android gallery, but on some devices the image orientation changes, I'd like to know how to keep the original orientation of the image.     
asked by 28.09.2015 / 22:59

Listing images within a directory

I want to list the images in a directory, but I can not. You are listing the right amount and everything, but the images do not appear. <?php $path = ""; $diretorio = di...
asked by 18.11.2015 / 17:44

Qt and Android - Get path of a gallery image

I'm developing a code to get an image of Galeria do Android . I'm using QtAndroid to write a code equivalent to java in Qt. I already opened the gallery, I selected the image and I got the path, but the return is MediaColumn...
asked by 30.11.2015 / 20:37

Permission denied when accessing gallery image [duplicate]

I need to allow the user to choose an image from the gallery and for this I'm trying to get the application to ask the user for permission. I created the variable ok to give the user permission, if everything is right, its value is set...
asked by 22.08.2016 / 19:21