Questions tagged as 'front-end'


Upper menu layout break in different browsers

Well, I'm having problems on my top menu, how big is the size of the black bar that is marking the menu area and the area size of each <li> of my menu. In Google Chrome it's all good, then when I go to test in other browsers everyth...
asked by 15.11.2016 / 04:12

Show or Hide modal with sessionStorage

I was researching a way to limit the appearance of a modal on my site, for example when clicking on a link it asks for the registration of the email before going to the ancora, but I do not want this to always appear, time per session! I found s...
asked by 03.11.2016 / 13:33

DOM element identification pattern

What is the pattern of HTML identifier names, eg: <form id="alterar-nome-form" th:action="@{/conta/alterarnome}" th:method="put"> </form> Or <form id="alterarNomeForm" th:action="@{/conta/alterarnome}" th:method="put">...
asked by 24.09.2015 / 15:54

Responsive Bootstrap

I have a web template that tested your responsiveness. As I am decreasing the width , the menu will also decrease and stay in perfect condition. This "perfection" is up to 760px. When I do this, it's as if the menu has been zooming down to 760p...
asked by 25.10.2015 / 06:04

Font Awesome has CSS Reset?

When using Bootstrap for example, it has an internal CSS Reset. The same thing happens when using Awesome Font? If you use Font Awesome in a project, do you need to add some CSS Reset or does it already have an internal CSS?     
asked by 21.05.2015 / 15:15

Templates for Laravel

I'm starting a system that will be the foundation of all company systems. The system will develop in Laravael 4 and the interface will be a theme of wrapbootstrap . What would be the best practices for using my library / package layo...
asked by 02.10.2014 / 03:40

Dynamic Product Calculation Ajax

Good morning. I'm a beginner programmer, and I'm developing a web sales app, where my system generates inputs dynamically for each product, multiplying the price of the product by quantity. But now I need it to add those values to the final valu...
asked by 12.12.2018 / 14:11

Angular Command 6 CLI to create a component in a specific folder

Is there any way to create a component in the Angular 6 CLI specifying which folder it should be in? I searched the net and found ng g c nome-componente --module=app but this is just to specify that it will stay in app I tried to t...
asked by 18.10.2018 / 00:50

Placing outline in USEMAP HTML5

I want to put border or outline on the image map in HTML. I tried using: map area{outline: 1} But it did not work!     
asked by 06.10.2018 / 17:56

Box does not float left (float: left does not work)

Then, I'm starting to study html and css, I'm trying to make a page with a side menu with the homescreen next to it, but the homescreen box does not go up to the menu bar side, I do not know if the code is wrong, if anyone can help ... thank you...
asked by 15.11.2018 / 02:48