Questions tagged as 'firewall'


AVG Accuses Infection in Windows Service Application If Add Command to Windows Firewall Is Present

I have an application that is a Windows Service (Windows Service) and per feature account I'm looking for to add a method to add it to Windows So: procedure AddInFirewall(cApplicationName, cEntryName: string); var cAppName: string...
asked by 15.05.2014 / 15:54

Why server requires open ports on an access modem but the client does not?

I had this doubt as to how I was thinking of creating a chat for direct communication between two computers whether local or remote. This will be my first study project in which I apply network communication. So I realized that to create a serve...
asked by 14.05.2017 / 01:04

Problem trying to transfer files using the Apache FTP implementation in Java

I am performing FTP file transfer using JAVA. I'm using Apache's FTPClient and FTPServer classes. In a specific environment, sometimes the files are not transferred. I call the enterLocalPassiveMode method of FTPClient before calling the...
asked by 12.07.2016 / 21:10

iptables - package marking with redirect to squid

I have a load-balanced firewall by marking packets and a squid together. I'm marking the packages so that my two links are used (gvt and OI) then link1 = gvt and link2 = OI It already works in parts, I managed to direct some ports to...
asked by 05.08.2015 / 20:51

Identify CSS not loaded in with Firebug?

I have a site hosted on LocaWeb, and I have a firewall in the company PFSense that for some reason is preventing CSS loading on machines in my network. I want to know how to identify what is not loading on the page, so you can make some rule...
asked by 17.02.2016 / 19:12

How to block access to a hostname

I need to block access to the site of a Linux machine. I should block this on the machine itself, that is, I do not have the possibility to do this with a Proxy. Initially I thought about using iptables, however, as Fa...
asked by 11.08.2014 / 18:11

Invalid Enumerator when trying to add a filter using WFP by C #

I'm trying to port a c ++ code for C #. My goal is to block a site using WFP. After translating the code, it seems that I made a mistake because when I add a filter I receive the message "An enumerator is not valid" (FWP_E_INVALID_ENUMERATOR)....
asked by 01.06.2016 / 01:20

Admin permission to run netsh in java

In a java program I developed, I need to open a connection on port 21 (ftp), but Windows 7 by default blocks this port. I tried to add a rule in the firewall allowing the connection using Runtime.getRuntime (). Exec ("netsh ..."), but netsh need...
asked by 12.05.2017 / 02:40

Port redirection [closed]

I have the following scenario: I changed the MySQL port 54235, on linux server Centos, I accept connections from outside only on that port. I have old and discontinued third-party software, where there is no option to change the default po...
asked by 14.10.2018 / 18:07

Authentication error in WSDL

using phptester to test the following code: <?phptry { $opts = array( 'http' => array( 'user_agent' => 'PHPSoapClient' ) ); $context = stream_context_create($opts); $wsdlUrl = '
asked by 24.05.2018 / 19:11