Questions tagged as 'firedac'


TFDSQliteBackup android delphi xe7

I am trying to make backup of my Android application, application made in Delphi. I am using the TFDSQliteBackup component with the following code, it executes and creates the file, but the file is blank does anyone know how to proceed...
asked by 21.11.2014 / 17:28

FDQUERY at runtime

I am trying to use FDQuery at run-time only. I've done a lot of research and tried several changes, but all of them ends with Access Violetion , so I suspect that the component is not instantiating correctly. I looked for examples o...
asked by 16.12.2018 / 13:37

Pass IFDDatasetReference (Firedac) to ClientDataSet.Data

I have a Query of FireDAC ( FDQuery ) and want to pass its output to a ClientDataSet . Since FireDAC works with IFDDataSetReference and ClientDataSet work with OleVariant , the compatibility error. Code that generates error: Clien...
asked by 03.04.2017 / 19:38

how to use Expresso / SQL Server Functions in a filter of a TFDQuery in delphi

I have the following situation, I need to check if the time of a certain task is not already filled in the system and for this by performing a SQL command in SQL Server 2014 works, as in the example Select (cast((convert(datetime,hora,108)) +'...
asked by 04.01.2016 / 18:38

Connection between MySQL and FireDAC closes the application when it is activated

I developed an application that uses FireDAC to connect to MySQL. But when I try to open it in a station, when the Connected := True is set, the application is closed, without returning any Exception. I wrapped the code in a try...exce...
asked by 15.06.2015 / 16:32

Firedac - Datasnap + FDMemtable + fkInternalCalc

I'm having trouble with fkInternalCalc fields when migrating from TClientDataSet to TFDMemtable . We use these fields to manipulate in-memory data, but they will not be persisted, this is very useful. We have a datas...
asked by 06.09.2018 / 19:04

Problems running Mysql function using Delphi FireDAC 10.1

In a MySql database I have a fully functional (Not a procedure) function, I can usually access within heidisql. In Delphi, I do the following function ExecutarFuncaoSQL(sFuncao: string; aParams: array of Variant; conBanco: TFDConnection): V...
asked by 10.08.2018 / 22:22

Master and Detail in delphi, with SchemaAdapter, only records the second time onwards

I'm using Delphi 10.1, Firebird 2.5 with Firedac. I have 3 FDQuery, all with CachedUpdates = true, being 1 MASTER, and 2 detail. In bd, the FK points to the ID of the master table. In the application, mastersource, MasterField and IndexFieldName...
asked by 13.06.2018 / 17:48

Delphi - Grid does not display all fields of the SQL statement

I've been warming my brains for two days and I do not discover the problem. I have a SQL statement (TFDQuery) written in the code and it selects three fields from a table to display them in a DBGrid. I do not know what happens. The third field i...
asked by 12.02.2018 / 00:04

TFDQuery.Append slow

Append slow. TFDQuery when applying value in a field with SGDB in the cloud, consumes 144 thousandths of a second by changing the property TFDQuery.AutoCalcFields to false, this time reaches 071 thousandths of seconds. Using the SGDB on the loca...
asked by 17.01.2018 / 13:51