Questions tagged as 'firebird'


Firebird C # create a single connection to the database

I need to create in my application only one connection using fbconnection that will be shared by every application. I performed this procedure as follows. I created a static class that gives me the connection to DB: static class C...
asked by 17.09.2015 / 02:42

Mirroring Firebird Bank

I'm looking for a solution to perform firebird database mirroring, I've heard of a tool called shadow for linux, but I'm looking for a tool that works with windows server.     
asked by 05.05.2015 / 18:55

Can you encrypt the embedded version of Firebird?

I intend to use the embedded version of Firebird on my application server. Is there any way to encrypt and use this database as in SQLite?     
asked by 28.04.2015 / 00:32

Extract Firebird database data with default layout

I need to extract some information from the database, with a predefined layout and launch into a .TXT file Example: code size from 1 to 10 digits; name size from 1 to 20 digits; date sale size dd / mm / yyyy; value size from 1 to 15 digits...
asked by 10.09.2014 / 12:26

Query pass parameter null

Can I pass the value is null or is not null through a Query? Example in SQL: select * from tb_teste where tb_teste.data_hora :PARAMETRO; In Delphi: Query.ParamByName('PARAMETRO').value = 'is not null'; or Query.ParamByN...
asked by 16.10.2018 / 21:06

problem executing select on more than one table in delphi and firebird

select works in firebird, but the -104 error in delphi IBQuery2.SQL.Add('select l.jb_cdempresa, l.jb_cdfilial, p.dtvencimento, l.jb_cdcontacredito, p.vlrpago,'); IBQuery2.SQL.Add('l.jb_cdcontacredito, p.vlrpago, f.cnpj_cpf, f.insc_rg,l...
asked by 14.12.2018 / 18:52

BDE does not connect to Sysdba user

I'm going through some problem with my BDE that I do not know yet right what it is, for some reason it does not connect to the bank with the default firebird password. I connect the same bank to ibexpert and it works, but by BDE it does not work...
asked by 26.05.2017 / 15:37

How to resolve the "Unknown user name or password unavailable database alias" error?

My program is in Delph7, BDE database, firebird 2.0, but when access gives the following error:    Unknown user name or password unavailable database alias How can I solve this problem?     
asked by 23.12.2015 / 23:50

How can I correctly use a PDO object for a select query [closed]

I followed the recommendations of, to do a select in a particular database using the PDO, however I do not know if I'm doing it right, I wonder if you can help me $duosig = "SELECT NOMCLI FROM SINAF019"; $stm = $lokos->query($duosig...
asked by 08.07.2015 / 15:38

Multiple UPDATES in the Firebird database [closed]

Can I create a method that performs several updates in the Firebird database? For example, I want to update the following registry, but it would have to be one at a time, how to update otherwise? UPDATE TVENPEDIDO SET NOTAFISCALSERVICO ='185...
asked by 04.12.2017 / 11:01