Questions tagged as 'firebase-cloud-functions'


What is Firebase?

I have not been on Android for some time and I have not had a chance to mess with Firebase. But he is very quoted in the questions of the SOPT. After all, what is Firebase? Is it a set of technologies? What are your most frequently used...
asked by 22.04.2018 / 01:48

Firebase function nodemailer Office365

I'm using the firebase function to trigger the nodemailer and send an email. Using gmail I was successful, but with Outlook365 it does not work. In the transporter I do it this way: var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport(smtpTransp...
asked by 09.01.2018 / 14:00

User permissions on firebase

Good morning, I'm having a question, I'm putting together an app where the person accesses it, logs in and password and then the home screen appears. if the person has not registered, she will register through the app itself, but my concern is t...
asked by 24.01.2018 / 18:10

Nuxt 2 how to serve the assets correctly in Firebase Host

I'm building a new ssr application using Nuxt 2 and Firebase, I'm trying to deploy my application using Firebase Hosting and Cloud Functions just like that
asked by 31.12.2018 / 21:25

Automatically identify and retrieve users when logged into the application

I have a sign-up and login screen !. and wanted to know if you have how to sign up for the application if I will be able to get people's data in onClick without having to put id by id manually I need to put the id of the person manually! and...
asked by 01.11.2018 / 06:16

burning in firebase using firebase cloud function

Good afternoon community Developers .... difficulty recording using firebase ... The firebase cloud functions console gives this error message: decode64(userTo) ******** decode64(userFrom) YWRyaWVsQHVuaXBsYWNsYWdlcy5lZHUuYnI= Unca...
asked by 05.11.2018 / 19:01

How to retrieve multiple values from firebase database in cloud functions

I have the following function that I did in Java, it solves my problem, however I am wanting to play with javascript too. So I had the following problem, I only found functions that retrieve unique values, and I wanted a function similar to d...
asked by 11.10.2018 / 01:57

Manage Firebase user accounts

I have an administrative panel that lists all users on my system. I would like to be able to delete the account of a saved user in firebase.auth() . I know the firebase provides an SDK for this, but I do not have a server on Node, my si...
asked by 15.03.2018 / 19:28

Doubt Cloud Function

Is Cloud Function as a server for NodeJS? Can I import any NPM package and use its feature, which will work normally in Cloud Functions? Or does it only work with google features? I tried to make a request in a cep API. But cloud functions...
asked by 01.03.2018 / 13:10

Update database through a Cloud Function - Firebase

Seeing a Jen Person tutorial on the Firebase channel on youtube, I wrote a javascript function that is triggered when a user in my app uploads an image in Firebase Storage. This function generates a thumbnail of the image and saves it in Firebas...
asked by 11.02.2018 / 04:22