Questions tagged as 'file-upload'


Upload file ajax

I have the following problem when I use file upload. Ajax executes "at the same time" the two actions. And I would like him to perform the ulpoad action and then the other. Or another way to upload. <div class="editor-field"> <inpu...
asked by 16.06.2014 / 20:16

Is it possible to upload image and rename it only with Java Script?

Is there any way to get the request image file, save it to a directory, and change its name from the server using JavaScript ?     
asked by 27.10.2016 / 13:09

How to save Image to a specific folder?

I have the following code: protected void btnSalvarDestaque_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (fuFotos.HasFile) { string strname = fuFotos.FileName; fuFotos.PostedFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(".") + "//Content/Destaq...
asked by 28.09.2016 / 04:31

File-Transfer Cordova how to use php

Hello, I have the following code onDeviceReady: function () { app.uploadPhoto, function (message) { alert('get picture failed'); }, { quality...
asked by 28.04.2015 / 15:48

Files limit per folder - Django 1.7

Does Django 1.7 provide any upload control mechanism per folder? I say this because when the number of files in a folder gets too large it tends to slow down. An example would be: Every 800 files in a folder, a folder is created at the root o...
asked by 27.03.2015 / 11:33

Form uploaded to image

How do I upload images in ASP.Net MVC? I have a registration form where the user has the option to send an image to use in their profile. An example would be helpful.     
asked by 12.09.2014 / 22:42

Error in uploading PHP image

Blz Galera I'm doing an image upload test and the error is appearing: Notice: Undefined index: photo in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ cadastro.php on line 2 Notice: Undefined index: photo in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ cadastro.php on line 3 What'...
asked by 30.01.2018 / 05:09

Uploading Multiple Files from a Mobile Phone

Hello, I have a web application where I need to upload multiple photos at the same time, On the pc it goes without problems but on the mobile I can not select multiple photos. Can anyone help me?     
asked by 07.11.2017 / 23:56

PDF Upload by ajax

I have a form with several input text and 1 input file (where I send a PDF file). If I send by ajax it does not send the "FILE", I tried sending it without ajax, just by submit, and it worked. The question is even in the ajax submission. I did s...
asked by 07.06.2017 / 20:33

move_uploaded_file does not move files

I have a form (in php, I wanted to ask if it works without problem?) to insert images (the path of them) and when I enter the inserted in the database but the image does not move to the folder I'm requesting. Here is the code I downloaded...
asked by 06.10.2016 / 10:37