Questions tagged as 'docker-compose'


Automatically set docker port

I'm using docker to develop my web applications, but I realized that I need to run multiple projects at the same time on my machine. As these projects basically require the same containers, which are apache and mysql, whenever I start some proje...
asked by 21.06.2017 / 03:39

Docker Compose Link and Network

I'm using Docker Compose to upload my containers into Docker , the problem I'm having is to link between one container and another. My Docker Compose : version: '3' services: DB: image: postgres:9.6.0 ports: - "5430:5432"...
asked by 28.07.2017 / 14:27

Docker Container Does Not Start

I'm a beginner in Docker and I'm trying to create a development environment with ngix mysql and php using Laradock, I have Docker installed on my machine, I tried to follow the steps in the documentation Terminal Log $ docker-compose up -d...
asked by 06.12.2018 / 17:20

Error loading container in docker-compose: 'Can not start service php-fpm: AppArmor ...' [closed]

It has been running normally on my Ubuntu since last week, no update has been made, and now, when I try to mount containers using Laradock, you get this: $ docker-compose up -d apache2 mysql Starting laradock_mysql_1 ... Starting laradock_php-...
asked by 08.10.2018 / 17:27

Problem with Docker installation pdo

I have a problem with my containers in docker, I was trying to raise a Lamp with docker compose, with the default image of php: apache and mysql, but when I install the PDO this error appears. SQLSTATE [HY000] [2002] No such file or directory...
asked by 30.04.2018 / 20:07

Error changing password (MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD) in MySQL docker.compose.yml file

I recently had to change the administrator password for my database (I currently use MySQL), I changed the password 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD' but it did not reflect changes in my container. I have already tried to delete, build and try a forced refr...
asked by 16.03.2018 / 14:15

Always include arguments when running docker-compose run

I have a question about passing arguments in docker-compose run: I'm using a Dockerfile that has the following entrypoint: ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/wp" ] CMD [ "--allow-root", "--help" ] I need to --allow-root be ALWAYS included. I...
asked by 01.03.2018 / 18:17

Docker-compose Spring boo and MongoDB: Connection Refused

I'm studying docker, and I'm trying to run a small application made in Springboot along with Mongodb in a single container. I wrote the following Dockerfile: FROM openjdk:8-jre-alpine ENV SPRING_OUTPUT_ANSI_ENABLED=ALWAYS \ JAVA_OPTS="" A...
asked by 06.11.2017 / 21:38

How to run a docker container with private ownership?

When using in version 1.14.2 and listing all the containers you can see the ownership column. Through the portainer interface it is possible to modify to private and change access control for administrators or restricted to some spe...
asked by 27.09.2017 / 18:56

Open interactive terminal

I have the following Docker-compose: version: "3.3" services: mysql: image: mysql:5.7 environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: root MYSQL_DATABASE: mydb MYSQL_USER: root MYSQL_PASSWORD: root restart: always p...
asked by 23.09.2017 / 15:00