Questions tagged as 'dkim'


What is SPF and DKIM and why do we need to configure them?

When we talk about emails, particularly newsletters , the terms SPF and DKIM appear. Many online mailing services ask to configure these values in the web hosting but do not mention the reasons, they seem to assume we already know what...
asked by 13.04.2015 / 14:09

Error "No package dkim-milter available" CentOS 5.8 [closed]

I can not install dkim-milter, I'm using CentOS 5.8 x64bit    [root @ server ~] # yum install dkim-milter       Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security       Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile       * base: mirror.ubiquityservers.c...
asked by 16.06.2015 / 17:22

Invalid but existing DKIM

Hello, well, I configured a way to send emails, I configured the DKIM of the server in Cpanel correctly, but when testing in the spam tools it accuses existing but invalid DKIM. Well, the question is, the configuration of my .php that sends t...
asked by 06.06.2015 / 17:10

Your DKIM signature is not valid. I can not receive emails from my server!

I am configuring my mail server in VPS with easyengine in debian but by accessing my note is low and points to DKIM problem. I waited 24hrs for DNS propagation and nothing! IcansendemailbutIdonotreceive!Ididthefollowing:DNSCo...
asked by 15.02.2018 / 17:12