Questions tagged as 'django'


Amazon Elastic Beanstalk + Django + Sentry returning raven.exceptions.InvalidGitRepository

I'm trying to deploy on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. My project has a structure where Django settings is in the settings folder: |projeto |--settings | It contains the configuration as: RAVEN_CONFIG = { 'dsn': 'https://------...
asked by 02.05.2017 / 21:31

Dropdown dependent on each other

I'm using a function from this site: link The function works perfectly, when I select an option in a dropdown, the 2nd DropDown already brings me what I want, the only problem is after clicking the submit button that does not bring me...
asked by 25.06.2016 / 05:02

How to use Form in ListView Django?

I'm trying to create an action for a ListView, the action would be to delete or change a parameter in the table, for example, disable user, using checkbox. If I select all and click this button it will delete all selected. class Ac...
asked by 19.02.2017 / 14:46

How to make a "LIKE" in a DJANGO ORM query?

To make a query to get the data exactly in Django, I use filter , like this: usuarios = Usuarios.objects.filter(nome='Jonh') This will generate a SQL similar to: SELECT * FROM usuarios wHERE nome = 'Jonh' Since I've been using Dj...
asked by 15.02.2018 / 14:03

How to set date formats in Django 1.7 for the whole system

Is there any way to change display settings and / or date formatting at system level?     
asked by 08.02.2015 / 17:30

Instance in Django model with problem

I'm working on a project with multiple apps. The department app model is as follows: from emails.models import GerenciarEmails class Departamento(models.Model): #modelo de grupos de disciplinas class Meta: verbose_name = 'Departamento'...
asked by 12.11.2015 / 19:42

How to read and render a .txt file in the Django template?

How do I render the data of a arquivo.txt in a Django template? file content: 1;'one';'foo' 2;'two';'bar' I return in the template    1 - one - foo       2 - two - bar Any tips on where I start? Following the link...
asked by 25.06.2015 / 21:34

ORM in Python similar to Django

I studied the framework Django a long time and found that ORM of it was excellent. I had the idea at some point to build an application with another framework called Flask , using a framework similar to Django . I...
asked by 09.05.2016 / 18:01

How to solve the conflict between AngularJS and Django?

What is the most efficient way to solve the conflict problem between Django and AngularJS when using {{ }} in templates?     
asked by 19.03.2015 / 02:41

Django - Editing Tables (Update)

In my application I have a function fetch a person by name and edit data of a registered person ... When I search and there is more than one person registered with that name (or even when there is only one person), the search details are retu...
asked by 10.06.2014 / 21:12