Questions tagged as 'django-templates'


Convert HTML to PDF and insert Image with Django

The image does not appear in PDF, I use xhtml2pdf. reports / sol_acesso.html <img src="{% static 'img/small_logo.png' %}" alt="Blue Tech" style="max-width:200px; margin-top:10px"> ' def get(self, request, pk, model):...
asked by 11.01.2018 / 17:43

Listing key, value in the Django Template

I'm having a problem listing a json in the Django Template. He is organized as follows: { 'grupo-1': { 'name': 'Grupo 1', 'ferramentas-1': { 'name': 'Ferramentas 1', 'categoria-1': {'name': 'Categoria 1'},...
asked by 16.01.2018 / 21:38

Django Tinymced

asked by 22.09.2017 / 14:22

Problem with form Django: IntegrityError: NOT NULL constraint failed

I'm trying to make a form using Django's model that saves the data when I click the button and redirects it to a page, I managed to make the form page, only after putting the necessary data and clicking the button to save I get the following err...
asked by 06.03.2017 / 04:56

Render items with Django Forms. Three Models Involved, Single Forms

Hello, I'm having trouble rendering my model items. The system works as follows: User registers an exam Exame . Within each exam you have the exam types ItemExame User generates a report Laudo that pulls the pati...
asked by 25.02.2017 / 18:08

Changing place templates (Django)

I was trying to leave the templates folder (main) out of the 'core' folder because in fact I wanted to leave the 'templates' and 'static' folder out of the 'core'. See my project at GitHub . So I tried to do the following in
asked by 14.09.2016 / 21:39

How to remove elements placed by django (1.7.5) in the template

Well I'm creating my project template in django 1.7.5 (I have reasons to use this version and I can not change it) but django insists on putting these polka dots, and as it was generated by django I do not know how to remove I'm learning)...
asked by 09.08.2016 / 16:06

Problem with urls and views inside the server

I was studying python and django, and I decided to make my wedding website in django. The project runs perfectly on my local pc, the problem is when I deploy to digital ocean and it gives this error here. The admin works right. The prob...
asked by 10.08.2016 / 14:15

Django error: Invalid block tag: expected 'endblock'

In the development environment it works normally, already on the production server I get the following error: Invalid block tag: 'ultimos_produtos', expected 'endblock' Here is the snippet of code: {% extends "base.html" %} {% load shop_t...
asked by 24.11.2015 / 16:04

How to work with UpdateView and Forms in the template

I'm trying to render a client's data in the template, but I'd like to do it without using {{ form.as_p }} or {{ form.as_table }} whatever, I'd like to know if there's any way to use the id of the clients in question and use inputs...
asked by 26.01.2016 / 14:46