Questions tagged as 'div'


Div breaking when label content is too large

The div of a HTML page is breaking when the text size of one of the label I have inside it is too large, I am using the following code: <div class="divRelato" style="background-color: #eee"> <label>Detalhes físicos Detalh...
asked by 22.12.2016 / 18:45

Divis autosize with div overflow hide between them

I have 3 inline-flex divs, one next to the other, I need the left and right ones to be the size of the content (autosize) and the center is the size that remains, but with overflow hide, I searched everything and did not find, no matter if you n...
asked by 14.07.2016 / 21:37

Error printing echo php into div

I am an amateur programmer and I have a problem printing a php echo inside a div. I have a file that, when accessed (one time only) will start the installation of the database: mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT); try { $mysqli = new...
asked by 01.03.2015 / 15:56

Catch the url of the first image of each post (div), store that url in a variable

I have a blog, and for each post a div is automatically created. On the home page you should only see the first image of the post and the title (with link) referring to the post. But here, I'd like the image to be set to background-image...
asked by 06.02.2015 / 14:23

How to create a frame with text mid page? [closed]

HowdoIcreateframesthatarethesame,alsowithabitoftransparency? I was kind of doing this basic work.     
asked by 10.05.2018 / 21:03

Div alignment

I own a table that is built dynamically with information from a movie director. I need to change the structure for a div, mainly for the responsibility issue, today reducing the size of the component that stores this table, the text ends up over...
asked by 06.11.2017 / 01:41

Smooth scrolling in div content

I have a script that does a smooth scrolling when clicking on the link with anchor. The problem is that it scrolls the whole page. I need it to scroll only the content that is within a specific div and the rest of the page remain fixed. C...
asked by 18.11.2017 / 22:17

Apply opacity to a Background

I'm trying to apply the opacity to my background image. I've tried using rgba, and the pseudo-class after. Is there any other way to apply this filter only to the image without affecting the content? This is HTML <div id="banner" style="...
asked by 29.06.2017 / 15:48

Navbar collapse bootstrap does not push other div down

People are as follows, I'm using the bootstrap responsive menu and I needed that when I clicked the menu icon, the list appeared and pushed the other divs down .... but when I click the list it is appearing below of the other divs .... see well...
asked by 29.03.2017 / 15:46

Javascript hides div when showing another div

Can anyone tell me, how do I hide a div when I show another one? I have a hidden div that only shows when I receive a condition. I would like that when this hidden div receives the condition and appears, hide another div. However, there is...
asked by 14.01.2017 / 22:43