Questions tagged as 'dialog'


DataTable page two erases List

I'm using Primefaces 6.2 with Hibernate 4.3 without JPA or Spring. I need to display data on the screen, where I have a Dialog and inside it a DataTable with a button that will open another Dialog. I have two problems, but I will focus on the fi...
asked by 16.11.2018 / 12:00

Fragments controls style different from DialogFragments

I have a fragment and a dialog fragment with spinners and editboxes, however the styles are different. The fragment is smaller, with no borders, only with a line at the bottom. The dialogfragment has borders and the edittexts background are whit...
asked by 12.11.2018 / 17:13

Create dialog from Activity

I was able to show an activity in the form of a dialog, but it does not respond to the context. When you click on the edit item button in my Recycler View, a form opens for changes. I'm using the method below, but no function of the form execute...
asked by 29.09.2018 / 01:27

DialogFragment does not close after its display followed by device orientation change

Hello. I'm doing a test with a simple one-screen app and a button that should open a Dialog that displays a placard. The openScoreBoardDialog () method opens a Dialog Fragment with 2 buttons ("New Game" and "Back"), clicking the "New Game" bu...
asked by 21.05.2018 / 21:41

Dialog Framework does not open

I'm trying to open a ManagedBean dialog. I have a SelectOneMenu and depending on what the user selects, I call a method that is in charge of opening the correct Dialog. This is my xhtml <p:column headerText="Mecânica" style="text-align:...
asked by 26.04.2018 / 01:08

Customize Dialog in a Windows Service Setup

I am setting up a Windows Service, I need in the service installer, to report connection data to an external server. How can I customize a dialog to receive data such as login and password, showing the password field with asterisks and validatin...
asked by 22.03.2018 / 16:31

Retrieve an information from a Dialog, through the Activity

Good afternoon, in my project I need to open a search screen to retrieve an object from a list, so far so good. Before trying to use Dialog I was using the AlertDialog that was serving me very well, but I needed to do a schematic with onScroll n...
asked by 24.01.2018 / 16:56

Sketchware Persistent Dialogue

I would like to know how can I create a custom dialog? Could someone help me? I've tried many more codes are not working.     
asked by 22.10.2017 / 23:48

Inserting data into the bank via a Dialog

I'm creating a project that needs to create users, I have a ready method, however I'm trying to put a way to display in a dialog. I created a screen with a recycler view to display the list of users, and when clicking on the add button it cal...
asked by 02.03.2017 / 22:32

p: dialog being called by several buttons in the system

Personnel I have a dialog (of primefaces ) that confirms the number of CEP and after the user to inform the number of the residence in this dialog the fields address, neighborhood, cep, city and uf have to be filled in the form . Th...
asked by 01.09.2016 / 06:10