Questions tagged as 'desempenho'


Generate final HTML in PHP or JS?

What is the best way, the best performance, to generate the final HTML. Direct on server-side or receive the database data and generate HTML on client-side ? In the development of my current application, I came across this doubt, by receivi...
asked by 11.06.2014 / 17:13

Is it true that ++ $ variable (pre-increment) is faster than $ variable ++ (post-increment)?

Is it true that ++$variavel is faster than $variavel++ ? In this answer given in SOEN , we see the following excerpt:    ... however pre-incrementing is almost 10% faster, which means that you   should switch from post to pre...
asked by 18.08.2015 / 17:00

Using CTE (Common Table Expression) creates a type of "cache" in the database?

I have a query with several JOIN and sub-queries, and when executed, it takes about 7 seconds to return. Getting the same result, using CTE's, the query takes about 8 seconds of the first execution, but the next few times ( I could not...
asked by 20.11.2018 / 15:44

What's Faster: Stack or Heap Allocation? [duplicate]

This question may sound elementary but it has generated a good debate with a co-worker. I can whenever I do allocations in Stack because for me the Stack growth is constant in time. And already the allocation performance in...
asked by 09.08.2017 / 09:18

Compare performance of two PHP script

I worked on a PHP script, later I found it too complex and cumbersome and felt the need to simplify it. I've deleted some unnecessary functions; I have simplified some parts of the code repeated in functions; I chose POO to make the sc...
asked by 17.12.2016 / 16:39

How to increase performance in PHP?

If I increase the memory_limit (default: 256MB) in PHP settings, will my application run faster or will I lose performance by consuming more server CPU processing?     
asked by 30.11.2017 / 15:45

Setting execution timeout to infinity can affect server performance?

Generally, I see a lot of people (including myself I've had) run-time issues with a PHP script. This is because, by default, PHP sets a time limit for running a script in 30 seconds. These problems usually occur when PHP is working on a lengt...
asked by 09.01.2017 / 19:20

Doubt when designing a database

What is the best way to design a database for a web system, for example, this system is for physicians, and every doctor has his or her agenda, patients, box, etc. What would be best: A single database where records of all physicians are sto...
asked by 10.08.2018 / 16:12

Is there a performance difference between Tuple and List?

In Python, I know there is a difference between a Tuple and a List . The Tuple is immutable, and the List , changeable. You may already have this question here: What is the main difference between a Tuple and a List...
asked by 16.11.2016 / 16:41

Doubt regarding permanent links to posts

In my project, users can post, and I would like each post to have a permanent link so it can be accessed separately. In what I already thought: Create a post.php file that would receive the post id via GET and display the data, a condit...
asked by 21.04.2015 / 22:21