Questions tagged as 'desempenho'


Perfomance in MySQL with InnoDB in large data table

I currently have a table with about 6 million records that in turn perform a lot of I / O operations, so in designing the project I chose to use InnoDB instead of MyISAM in MySQL, after all, lock would be per page, not per table. But I ha...
asked by 29.01.2014 / 23:31

Open and close the code or use variable?

Two scripts with the same result: Example 1: <?php ...códigos PHP acima... $tabela = '<table>'; $tabela .= '<tr>'; $tabela .= '<th> Valor1 </th>'; $tabela .= '<th> Valor2 </th>'; $tabela .= '<th...
asked by 25.07.2018 / 17:54

Should I avoid repeated access to the same method within a loop?

I worry about the final performance of an executable at the same time, I do not want to penalize the programmer with excessive or unnecessary care in the code. In the code below, for example, it will return the same value as the getPositio...
asked by 21.05.2018 / 03:06

SonarLint x Java GC, cancel or not object at the end of execution?

I'm passing SonarLint on a somewhat old application and fixing several "problems", but I came across a code snippet like: public void fazerAlgo(final String param) { MeuObjeto m = new MeuObjeto(); m.setVar(param.toLowerCase()); m...
asked by 25.07.2018 / 13:14

Is there performance gain when using View's in SQL?

The View 's are virtual tables, resulting from SQL queries, as in the example: CREATE VIEW view_name AS SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE condition From this, we can update or delete a View , but we can not edi...
asked by 15.07.2014 / 17:57

Difference speed in HD Sata / SSD

I have MongoDB running on a 500GB SSD. But as the folder / data began to get very large, we put a 3TB HD slave , but this being SATA and not SSD as the first. But after changing the folder date to this new HD, we noticed a considerable di...
asked by 10.05.2016 / 15:05

Using multiple namespaces weighs more?

Let's say I have these namespaces : use DataTables\Editor, DataTables\Editor\Field; DataTables\Editor\Format, DataTables\Editor\Mjoin, DataTables\Editor\Options, DataTables\Editor\Upload, DataTables\Editor\Validate...
asked by 17.08.2017 / 17:11

How to simulate arbitrary concurrent traffic / access in Apache?

I'm using EasyPHP 14.1 Devserver , which comes with Apache 2.4.7 / MySQL 5.6.15 . I want to simulate high traffic and concurrent access to observe the performance and behavior of my site under these conditions, to make the...
asked by 24.12.2014 / 16:22

What is the difference between performance between different types of string concatenation?

I know 4 different types of concatenation of string in C #: // string Interpolation $"valor {variavel} R$"; // Verbating string @"texto qualquer pula a linha e continua o texto"; // concatenar 2 strings "texto" + "texto"; // string.form...
asked by 28.11.2018 / 21:49

Condition in join or in where?

Is there a difference if I use: select * from a left join b on = and b.id2=1 where ... or select * from a left join b on = where b.id2=1 Sent on: Fri ? The first SQL returned me super fast, the second one did...
asked by 30.08.2016 / 13:52