Questions tagged as 'delphi'


Copy part of a string

I have the following strings: Cliente em questão: protocolo20209092032932 Cliente em questão 2: protocolo320930293232 Cliente em questão 3: 20392039230902032032 I need to make a function to copy everything that is after the: (colon) f...
asked by 08.08.2014 / 00:44

Is it possible to limit internet speed through Delphi?

Is it possible to limit internet speed through Delphi? Example, if my internet is 120 KB / s, can I reduce it to 10 KB / s on my own computer?     
asked by 26.09.2015 / 01:18

How to use DisplayText / DisplayFormat TStringField clientdatset Delphi

Hello, I want to format the fields of my table that are password, I want it to display **** instead of the password. I tried to use the method to format values TFloatField(dm1.q.fieldbyname('preco_prod')).DisplayFormat := 'R$ 0.00'; Only...
asked by 07.04.2016 / 18:35

Coloring text inside "tag"

Well, I have a Rich edit and am using it as a changelog, and I would like all text with you in ->, to be of a specific color. Example, in: ->10/10/2014<- 10/10/2014 would be a specific color. How can I do this? Ps: I'm using idhttp to...
asked by 20.10.2014 / 17:24

How do I save the project desktop in Delphi?

Question: I would like to know how I should proceed to save the workspace of my project, which would be the .pas that were open when I was working before closing it, and when re-opening Delphi, I would have all these files open as I lef...
asked by 07.02.2014 / 17:07

Object Oriented Programming [closed]

I've been developing projects in delphi since the time of Easter, but my big problem is that I've never kept the updates very updated and I've always used a procedural language and now I need to learn to program with objects because in the firm...
asked by 05.02.2014 / 01:19

Clientdataset closing after opening

I've been using delphi xe6 for a few days now and I'm breaking my head with a problem. I have the trio here: SQLDataSet - > ClientDataSet - > DataSetProvider . When I open my form, I call cdsPessoas.Open (ClientDataSet). So f...
asked by 10.06.2014 / 03:30

FDQUERY at runtime

I am trying to use FDQuery at run-time only. I've done a lot of research and tried several changes, but all of them ends with Access Violetion , so I suspect that the component is not instantiating correctly. I looked for examples o...
asked by 16.12.2018 / 13:37

How to save FastReport report to PDF in silent mode?

I can generate the PDF from the code below: fdm.frxPDFExport.FileName := 'C:\PASTA_TESTE\ARQUIVO_TESTE.PDF'; frxReport.PrepareReport(); frxReport.Export(fdm.frxPDFExport); The detail is that it shows me the screen to choose where to save th...
asked by 01.10.2018 / 14:55

devexpress component to memorize edit

Does anyone know which component of devexpress (delphi) that causes you to memorize the text edited in the application edit (s)? example: I have a TEdit, with username, after typing the first time, when typing the second time as soon as I put...
asked by 16.07.2018 / 15:37